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[下载] 2013 新书:Multicore Systems On-Chip second edition attach_img 看门狗 2014-7-3 32448 jimcmwang 2017-11-30 17:54
[下载] Debussy 5.4 (windows版) attachment  ...23456..7 techieboy 2010-7-13 13462971 cp3840008 2017-10-30 16:53
[下载] 电路板到芯片间过渡结构的设计与优化 attachment eechina 2013-2-25 32430 whc_74 2017-8-4 13:11
[下载] 低压断路器及其应用 attachment xuleiwx 2013-4-28 32389 whc_74 2017-8-4 13:09
[下载] 电路与信号分析_郑秀珍(人民邮电出版社2005) attachment xuleiwx 2013-4-28 23528 whc_74 2017-8-4 13:08
[下载] SystemVerilog硬件设计及建模(课件) newlife 2012-12-17 55031 jimingchun2008 2017-5-23 19:41
[下载] 华为静态时序分析与逻辑设计 attachment  ...2 topcircuit 2010-7-3 246684 chings 2017-4-7 18:48
[下载] 《TCL教程》 attachment 看门狗 2010-7-6 63873 chings 2017-4-7 17:54
[下载] Digital Principles and Logic Design attach_img 看门狗 2014-7-14 62119 chings 2017-4-7 14:54
[下载] 数字后端课件 -- 物理设计 attachment 看门狗 2014-7-11 22726 chings 2017-4-7 14:53
[下载] Synopsys公司内部培训教程 attachment agree  ...2 techieboy 2010-8-10 217257 chings 2017-4-7 13:26
[下载] Synopsys design compiler教程 attachment 看门狗 2010-7-6 43223 chings 2017-4-7 13:22
[下载] CDC 培训讲义 - spyglass 2014 attachment 看门狗 2015-1-20 98224 chings 2017-4-7 13:21
[下载] primetime高级培训资料 attachment 看门狗 2010-7-6 23104 chings 2017-4-7 12:04
[下载] Writing Testbenches using SystemVerilog newlife 2012-12-18 44110 bruceyeh 2017-3-7 13:58
[下载] IC设计需要的TCL语言教程 attachment 看门狗 2010-7-6 165472 bruceyeh 2017-3-7 07:11
[下载] Verilog and SystemVerilog Gotchas newlife 2012-12-19 117561 dragon86 2016-12-30 15:05
[下载] 三本Matlab的书 attachment disagree  ...23 liuxiyou9 2011-8-8 4910971 152x 2016-12-5 21:37
[下载] Digital Design and Computer Architecture, Second Edition attach_img 看门狗 2014-9-9 85102 scottlinux 2016-10-18 21:16
[下载] Visual Studio与SQL Server开发指南 最优架构与实例(第7版) attach_img 1770309616 2013-5-6 52956 zhao_siqing 2016-9-5 23:09
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