Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization

发布时间:2014-8-4 14:17    发布者:看门狗
关键词: 半导体材料 , 半导体器件
This Third Edition updates a landmark text with the latest findings

The Third Edition of the internationally lauded Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization brings the text fully up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and includes new pedagogical tools to assist readers. Not only does the Third Edition set forth all the latest measurement techniques, but it also examines new interpretations and new applications of existing techniques.

Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization remains the sole text dedicated to characterization techniques for measuring semiconductor materials and devices. Coverage includes the full range of electrical and optical characterization methods, including the more specialized chemical and physical techniques.

(John Wiley & Sons,2006)Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization(3E).pdf (12.44 MB)

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rinllow6 发表于 2014-8-5 13:09:13
jimcmwang 发表于 2019-6-3 09:53:33
(John Wiley & Sons,2006)Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization(3E).pdf (12.44 MB, 下载次数: 49)
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