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[下载] 高速数字电路设计与安装技巧 attachment 看门狗 2014-7-16 93341 ap0704220 2016-7-13 14:49
[下载] SoC设计方法与实现 电子教案 attachment 看门狗 2014-7-9 53852 jimcmwang 2016-4-16 08:33
[下载] CDC Presentation attachment nemolee63 2016-1-9 05473 nemolee63 2016-1-9 15:36
[下载] Modelsim-se-10.1c-win32+Crack附教程 attachment  ...2 看门狗 2012-10-22 3559443 wsjc1999 2015-12-6 21:55
[下载] matlab 2012b 最全的破解 attachment  ...2 看门狗 2012-10-16 2551516 phoeleo 2015-9-21 09:43
[下载] Struts 2.1权威指南 基于WebWork核心的MVC开发 attach_img 1770309616 2013-5-8 22141 radio926 2015-9-15 13:17
[下载] Oracle Database 11g 初学者指南(中文版) attach_img 1770309616 2013-5-13 102701 radio926 2015-9-15 13:16
[下载] IIS7开发与管理完全参考手册 attach_img 1770309616 2013-5-28 43316 radio926 2015-9-15 13:16
[下载] Cadence SoC自动布局布线视频教程 attach_img techieboy 2010-7-27 105788 radio926 2015-9-10 20:13
[下载] Calibre 中文教程 attachment techieboy 2010-8-9 155737 radio926 2015-9-10 20:11
[下载] silvaco tcad中文使用教程 attachment techieboy 2010-8-10 1012518 radio926 2015-9-10 20:10
[下载] 【Springer 2014新书】Bias Temperature Instability for Devices and Circuits attach_img 看门狗 2014-8-21 84005 radio926 2015-9-8 23:47
[下载] HFSS 14破解crack attachment 看门狗 2012-10-25 415389 radong 2015-8-22 12:52
[下载] synopsys 的VCS 入门培训,80页PPT attachment  ...2 topcircuit 2010-7-3 2010777 spy007868 2015-8-3 09:08
[下载] Cadence图书:A Practical Guide to Adopting the Universal Verification Methodolog attach_img 看门狗 2014-8-1 47865 g_gina 2015-7-23 02:28
[下载] 基于FPGA的原型方法手册 attachment 看门狗 2012-2-13 63796 jimcmwang 2015-7-11 22:52
[下载] step-by-step functional verification with systemverilog and ovm newlife 2012-12-19 106592 jimcmwang 2015-3-31 15:00
[下载] 自学资料:Verification Methodology Manual: SystemVerilog Self-Paced Tutorial attachment 看门狗 2010-9-20 145124 spy007868 2015-3-3 09:08
[下载] 玩转IP core attachment 看门狗 2014-7-16 31990 cjs520 2015-1-28 16:00
[下载] Oracle 11g权威指南(第2版)987页 attach_img 1770309616 2013-5-4 43136 lhxzui 2014-11-26 15:11
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