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[供应] ZC2205 24V 500mA Ultralow-Quiescent-Current LDO

发表于 2023-11-24 15:48:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
关键词: ZC2205 , 24V , 500mA , LDO

General Description
The ZC2205 ultra-low quiescent current
regulator features low dropout voltage and low
current in the standby mode. With less than 1.5μA
quiescent current at no load, the ZC 2205 is ide
ally suited for standby micro-control-unit
systems, especially for always-on applications like
E-meters, fire alarms, smoke detectors and other
battery operated systems. The ZC2205 retains all o
f the features that are common to low dropout
regulators including a low dropout PMOS pass devi
ce, short circuit protection, and thermal shutdown.
The ZC2205 has a 24-V maximum operating
voltage limit, a -40°C to 125°C operating temperat
ure range, and ±2% output voltage

⚫ VIN Range up to 24V
⚫ Output Voltage Tolerances of ±2%
⚫ Output Current of 500 mA
⚫ Ultra Low Quiescent Current (IQ = 1.5 μA)

⚫ Internal Thermal Overload Protection
⚫ Internal Short-Circuit Current Limit

Ceramic Capacitor Stable
⚫ Dropout Voltage Typically 24V at


⚫ E-meters, Water Meters and Gas Meters
⚫ Fire Alarm, Smoke Detector
⚫ Appliances and White Goods

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