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[好文赏析] 用音乐调剂生活(转)

发表于 2013-6-10 10:36:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

                                     7 Reasons to Play a Musical Instrument

If you've been waving over the idea of learning how to play, here are some reasons to play a musical instrument! There is so much to be gained from just taking some time out every week to practice and get better. If you already play, but have lost your motivation, check out these reasons to play a musical instrument to fall in love with your instrument again!

One of the reasons to play a musical instrument is because it will actually make you smarter. Many studies have been done on this, and they all show that playing an instrument changes the structure of your brain, expanding the parts that control hearing and memory. Musicians have even been found to pick up new languages easier. Pretty cool, right?

Speaking of new languages, learning to play an instrument will actually teach you a new language in and of itself: music theory. Those little black dots on lines aren’t just dots, they’re an entire language spoken through music that the composer wrote, in the same way an author would write a novel. There’s so much to learn besides the notes, such as keys and time signatures, just to name some basic ones.

If you’re ever bored, you can always pick up your instrument and play. I play the piano, and sometimes when I want to relax and just take some time to myself, I’ll go sit down and start playing. Before I know it, an hour has gone by, and I’ve gotten in valuable practice time as well as gotten rid of stress and had some personal fun for a while. It’s something that you’ll always be able to do, and you’ll never get bored, because there’s always a new song to learn!

Being a musician for a living is tough, but knowing how to play an instrument well is a skill that can never be taken away from you. Once you learn, you’ll never completely forget it. It’s something to fall back on if you ever need it. Out of a job? Perhaps scout out some local bands that are willing to pay for your skills at your particular instrument. Or, if you’re skilled enough, you can give lessons and make money that way.

One of the things that I love most about being a musician is that I hear music in an interesting way. Most people hear the song as a whole, but I personally listen for certain aspects of it. I can appreciate an interesting chord progression, or a key change, and understand the dynamics of a song and what makes it work. Trust me, that will make you love a song a thousand times more. And perfect harmonies are like the kryptonite of any musician with a good ear. You hear a well executed harmony and your knees will just turn to jelly from pleasure!

If you can play just one musical instrument, you’ll be able to learn how to play others relatively quickly. Once you’ve developed an ear for music, you’ll be able to tell what sounds good and what doesn’t, so even if you don’t want to take lessons for a new instrument, you’ll be able to teach yourself. Playing many instruments is a huge benefit, and something that you’ll never know when you’ll need. If you wanted to go the route of giving lessons, you’d be able to give lessons for all the instruments you play and perhaps make that a full time job!

That might sound cheesy, but you will. Music is a powerful emotional stimulus, and it’s something you can always turn to whenever you’re feeling bad. Many people I know have said that playing their instruments helped them deal with their depression and other emotional issues. It’s a method of release, and even of meditation if you use it that way. If you’re having overwhelming negative feelings, give an instrument a chance. It could be just the thing you need to help you through it.
Music is a passion of mine, but I know that may not be the case for everyone. Still, I hope this list has inspired some people to learn to play an instrument. Which one would you be most interested in learning?

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