Measurement and Modeling of Silicon Heterostructure Devices

发布时间:2012-6-26 16:59    发布者:看门狗
关键词: BiCMOS , HBT , SiGe
John D. Cressler,  Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA


When you see a nicely presented set of data, the natural response is: “How did they do that; what tricks did they use; and how can I do that for myself?” Alas, usually, you must simply keep wondering, since such tricks-of- the-trade are usually held close to the vest and rarely divulged. Shamefully ignored in the technical literature, measurement and modeling of high-speed semiconductor devices is a fine art. Robust measuring and modeling at the levels of performance found in modern SiGe devices requires extreme dexterity in the laboratory to obtain reliable data, and then a valid model to fit that data. Drawn from the comprehensive and well-reviewed Silicon Heterostructure Handbook, this volume focuses on measurement and modeling of high-speed silicon heterostructure devices. The chapter authors provide experience-based tricks-of-the-trade and the subtle nuances of measuring and modeling advanced devices, making this an important reference for the semiconductor industry. It includes easy-to-reference appendices covering topics such as the properties of silicon and germanium, the generalized Moll-Ross relations, the integral charge-control model, and sample SiGe HBT compact model parameters.

Measurement and Modeling of Silicon Heterostructure Devices.pdf (6.54 MB)
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rinllow6 发表于 2012-6-26 23:28:41
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