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[供应] 5V(USB)输入同步升压给2节3节4节充电芯片-ZCC5518

发表于 2021-12-2 11:33:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
High Efficiency, 1A, Four-Cell Boost Li-Ion BatteryCharger Preliminary Specification
1.General Description
ZCC5518 is a highly integrated synchronous boostcharger IC for Lithium-ion batteries with four cells in series. The charge currentup to 1A can be programmed by using the external resistor for different portableapplications.
Robust protections include inputover-voltage protection (OVP), battery OVP, battery short protection, thermal shut down,battery temperature monitor, a configurable timer to prevent prolonged chargingof a dead battery.
2. Features
·3.0V to 5.5V Operating Input Voltage
·Up to 26V Sustainable Voltag
·Up to 1A Configurable Charge Currentor Battery with 4 Cells in Series
·Configurable Input Voltage Limit
·Charge Status Indication
·Constant Voltage Selectable
·Programmable Charge Timeout
·Thermal Regulation Protection
·External Shutdown Function
·Input Voltage UVLO and OVP
·Over Temperature Protection
·Output Short Circuit ProtectionNormal Synchronous Boost Operation When Battery Removed

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