RFIC design Engineer

发布时间:2021-5-17 16:15    发布者:KT咨询
NO.578-【猎头职位:上海、苏州、美国、韩国需要位  RFIC design Engineer】联系人:Edward-Duan,邮箱:hr@kthr.com,微信也可查询职位了!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”或扫描以上二维码即可添加,欢迎大家关注!
1、Work with the RF team of the company to achieve competitive RFIC solution by advanced CMOS technology for WiFi6, BLE and following WiFi7 application. Responsible for the design and development of RFIC subblocks, such as LNA, Mixer, Filter, VCO, PA driver and PA, etc.
射频设计团队一起实现先进工艺下具有竞争力的WiFi6, BLE以及接下来的WiFi7 RFIC 解决方案。负责RFIC中LNA, Mixer, Filter, VCO, PA driver和PA等子电路的设计和开发。
2、Deeply research the RF circuit topology, optimize the power consumption/layout area to meet the specifications of noise, linearity, gain and bandwidth.
深入研究射频电路技术,优化满足noise, linearity, gain, bandwidth等性能指标的电路功耗及版图面积。
3、Verify and characterize RFIC subblocks and TRX chains with SoC/PHY/System teams. Analyze and debug chip issues and find solutions to fix, promote mass production
4、Track the evolution of RFIC design technology and provide technical support for system architecture implementation.
5、Do top integration and assist the team leader for project management.
福利:五险一金  带薪年假 员工福利  弹性工作  

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