欧美上市公司招上海Windows GUI 2年以上经验

发布时间:2011-5-17 13:31    发布者:Ally-wqd
简历直投 hitwqd@163.com
MSN   Ally-wqd@hotmail.com

NET Software Developers will be responsible primarily for architecting and implementing GUI for Mobile TV and Digital TV configuration and control under Windows Operating system.

Key responsibilities will include re-design of existing GUI to meet evolving requirements as well as integration with middleware and device driver.

Applicant must be comfortable with quickly learning new technologies, have strong design and problem solving skills and must be a team player.


- A BS in EE or CS and 2+ years of Windows GUI development experience. MSEE/CS preferred

- Knowledge of .NET WinForms

- Knowledge of COM/COM+

- Strong C/C++ programming skills

- Knowledge and experience designing and implementing Module Interface/Class
本文地址:https://www.eechina.com/thread-65796-1-1.html     【打印本页】

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