中国人全球最勤奋 网友吐槽生活所迫

发布时间:2013-12-29 08:48    发布者:1770309616
关键词: 网友
China is considered to be the most 'industrious' nation in the world中国人全球最勤奋 网友吐槽生活所迫
A recent survey has revealed that China is considered to be the most 'industrious' nation in the world, according to research from Monster Worldwide, in collaboration with Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK), a German global market research institute.

The survey —with more than 8, 000 respondents from Canada, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, United Kingdom and United States —gauged economic and labor-related competitive spirit by drilling down into “industriousness, ” which describes the level to which a country was “hard-working, innovative and constantly creating new ideas/products, ” according to the survey.

According to the international survey, Chinese employees are the most industrious people in the world, followed by workers from Germany and the US. Employees from France are considered to be the laziest people in the world.

German employees responded confidently to the survey placing themselves first in the pecking order of global industriousness. French employees, on the other hand, seem to be aware of their limitations, and many of those surveyed placed France in last place.

German newspaper, Handelsblatt, reported that Chinese employees work on average 44.6 hours per week, while the German employees average about 33.5 hours of work per week.

And although China has more public holidays than Germany, Chinese employees have only ten days of paid leave on average, while German employees have 25 days.

  • confidently['kɔnfədəntli]video
    adv. 自信地;安心地
  • peck[pek]video
    vi. 啄食;扔石头;吹毛求疵vt. 啄食;扔n. 许多;配克(容量单位,等于2加仑);啄痕
  • gauge[ɡeidʒ]video
    n. 计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格vt. 测量;估计;给…定规格
  • reveal[ri'vi:l]video
    vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧
  • collaboration[kə,læbə'reiʃən]video
    n. 合作;勾结;通敌
  • competitive[kəm'petitiv]video
    adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的
  • limitation[,limi'teiʃən]video
    n. 限制;限度;极限;追诉时效;有效期限
  • innovative['inəuveitiv]video
    adj. 革新的,创新的

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1770309616 发表于 2013-12-29 08:53:44
What Bill Gates Can Learn From Small Business In Filling The CEO Role盖茨应该向小公司学习如何挑选CEO?
Why should Bill Gates, one of the most recognized global business leaders, accept advice from a small business owner? One of the advantages of operating a 100-employee organization is that we can view all aspects of our operation, remain agile, and move quickly. Large businesses can take advantage of our insights and experiences because, regardless of the size of the business, we all face similar struggles. They’re just on a different scale.
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)是最为大众认可的一位全球商界领袖,为什么他应该接受一位小企业主的建议?运营一个只有百名员工的组织会拥有的优势之一,就是可以从各方面观察自身的运营状况,保持灵活,迅速发展。这类小公司的洞见和经验可以为大公司所用,因为无论自身规模大小,每家企业都面临相似的困境,只是程度不同。

Small businesses have to work hard every day to survive. We discover what matters most really fast or we find ourselves out of business just as fast. Whether we like it or not, businesses must sell to survive—even giants like Microsoft
小公司每天都不得不为了生存而努力奋斗。我们要迅速发现什么才是最重要的,否则我们就会同样迅速地丢失业务。不管我们是否喜欢,要安身立命,企业就必须推销业务——即使微软这样的巨头也不例外。罗宾·夏玛(Robin Sharma)在自己的作品《唤醒心中的领导者》(The Leader Who Had No Title)中指出:“在面对全新的商业天地时,最危险的事情莫过于像以往那样行事。”

What can Mr. Gates learn from small business that will help him fill the soon-to-be-vacant chair at the top of his organization? Filling the CEO slot at the Microsoft table might be easier than he thinks. Have you have noticed that the missing piece of a puzzle is generally right under your nose, which is why you can’t see it? Microsoft might consider offering the top job to a likable, energetic, no-nonsense salesperson within their organization who has the guts and ingenuity to rekindle the fire for the software giant.

I know it’s a long shot, but why not give a homegrown Microsoft employee from the sales ranks with a high-octane heart and spirit a shot at the top seat? Perhaps it’s time Microsoft considers moving someone up from one of their small farm teams to the major leagues before considering external candidates. The CEO’s primary job is to authentically communicate the vision and message of the company to the world. Salespeople do this all day long. Those who survive in sales learn quickly what resonates and what does not with customers.

One question that Mr. Gates, or anyone in business attempting to fill a top leadership seat within their organization, should ask is: Will this individual rekindle the spark for products and services that the company builds and get the people within the organization excited and energized? They don’t need to be famous or even brilliant. I believe they need to possess a genuine love for the people, products, and services and a willingness to share that love and belief with the world. They need to offer natural and authentic content so that when people hear it they ask for more. It’s as simple as that.

The real treasure for Microsoft (and all businesses, for that matter) is the people who work hard every day to grow or sustain the business. They might not be polished or carry professional portfolios or degrees from Ivy League schools but chances are if they have the right heart and drive they will stand strong with the organization during challenging times.

An excellent example of one of the best sales visionaries today who landed in the top seat of a major corporation is Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit. He has worked in numerous leadership positions, including senior vice president and general manager of Intuit’s Small Business Division, and before that he was the head of Intuit’s Consumer Tax Group in San Diego. Everyone we know inside and outside of his organization holds him in high regard. He’s likable and he’s not shy about promoting his organization. He sets his priorities and makes time for the people within his organization and small businesses like Fishbowl.
今时今日,最优秀的销售代表也能荣升大公司的掌门人。财捷集团(Intuit)的首席执行官布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)就是个很好的例子。他曾在高级副总裁等多个领导岗位工作,管理过公司位于圣迭戈的消费者税务部门,后来又做过财捷的小企业部门的总经理。据我们所知,史密斯领导的团队内外无不给予他很高评价。他很受欢迎,而且不吝于宣传自己的团队。他设定个人优先处理的任务,把时间留给自己团队的成员和Fishbowl这样的小公司。

I have one rule within my organization that is beyond non-negotiable. All leaders must genuinely and unconditionally love/respect the people, products, and services within the organization. Ninety percent just doesn’t get the job done. To be brutally honest (and a lot of execs might not like hearing this), it doesn’t actually take a lot of smarts to fill the top seat. It takes a lot of heart, trust and willingness to go the distance for the organization even if it means now and again you make yourself vulnerable personally. The people within the organization do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to building the products and services. A great leader gives them credit and spends every waking hour of his or her day sharing this across the globe.

Microsoft has plenty of people who successfully oversee day-to-day operations of the billion-dollar publicly operated enterprise. They should consider hiring someone for the top job who gets over-the-top excited about what Microsoft builds and shares with the world. I believe the ideal candidate could be someone who is not from the upper ranks, which generally consists of a small group of people. Why not let the thousands of Microsoft employees weigh in on who will be their next chief? I would also strongly recommend that Mr. Gates have all their candidates sit down and see if they can pass the standard Microsoft certification exams before they get the top chair to ensure they fully understand the vast capabilities of the products.

The next CEO just might be sitting somewhere within the ranks—an individual with the right heart to lead the company into its finest hour. Microsoft might not be considered the coolest on the market today, but I believe they are most definitely built to last. This, I believe, is the core value proposition of Microsoft: They help people across the globe build and develop skills that can lead to meaningful careers.

These are just a few thoughts from someone who cares about the fate of the big guys and big corporations. They create a multitude of jobs and careers for people. In the end it doesn’t really matter how big or small your company is; we are all remembered for the legacy we leave behind. Good luck to everyone at Microsoft. Thanks for decades of great products and services.

  • insight['insait]video
    n. 洞察力;洞悉
  • candidate['kændideit, -dət]video
    n. 候选人,候补者;应试者
  • proposition[,prɔpə'ziʃən]video
    n. [数] 命题;提议;主题;议题vt. 向…提议;向…求欢
  • energize['enədʒaiz]video
    vt. 激励;使活跃;供给…能量vi. 活动;用力
  • priority[prai'ɔrəti]video
    n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事
  • guy[ɡai]video
    n. 男人,家伙vt. 嘲弄,取笑vi. 逃跑
  • gut[ɡʌt]video
    n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡vt. 取出内脏;摧毁内部装置adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的
  • legacy['leɡəsi]video
    n. 遗赠,遗产
  • polish['pɔliʃ]video
    n. 磨光,擦亮;上光剂,擦亮剂;优雅,精良vi. 擦亮,变光滑vt. 磨光,使发亮adj. 波兰的
  • multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d]video
    n. 群众;多数

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-29 08:58:06
What Bill Gates Can Learn From Small Business In Filling The CEO Role盖茨应该向小公司学习如何挑选CEO?
Why should Bill Gates, one of the most recognized global business leaders, accept advice from a small business owner? One of the advantages of operating a 100-employee organization is that we can view all aspects of our operation, remain agile, and move quickly. Large businesses can take advantage of our insights and experiences because, regardless of the size of the business, we all face similar struggles. They’re just on a different scale.
比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)是最为大众认可的一位全球商界领袖,为什么他应该接受一位小企业主的建议?运营一个只有百名员工的组织会拥有的优势之一,就是可以从各方面观察自身的运营状况,保持灵活,迅速发展。这类小公司的洞见和经验可以为大公司所用,因为无论自身规模大小,每家企业都面临相似的困境,只是程度不同。

Small businesses have to work hard every day to survive. We discover what matters most really fast or we find ourselves out of business just as fast. Whether we like it or not, businesses must sell to survive—even giants like Microsoft
小公司每天都不得不为了生存而努力奋斗。我们要迅速发现什么才是最重要的,否则我们就会同样迅速地丢失业务。不管我们是否喜欢,要安身立命,企业就必须推销业务——即使微软这样的巨头也不例外。罗宾·夏玛(Robin Sharma)在自己的作品《唤醒心中的领导者》(The Leader Who Had No Title)中指出:“在面对全新的商业天地时,最危险的事情莫过于像以往那样行事。”

What can Mr. Gates learn from small business that will help him fill the soon-to-be-vacant chair at the top of his organization? Filling the CEO slot at the Microsoft table might be easier than he thinks. Have you have noticed that the missing piece of a puzzle is generally right under your nose, which is why you can’t see it? Microsoft might consider offering the top job to a likable, energetic, no-nonsense salesperson within their organization who has the guts and ingenuity to rekindle the fire for the software giant.

I know it’s a long shot, but why not give a homegrown Microsoft employee from the sales ranks with a high-octane heart and spirit a shot at the top seat? Perhaps it’s time Microsoft considers moving someone up from one of their small farm teams to the major leagues before considering external candidates. The CEO’s primary job is to authentically communicate the vision and message of the company to the world. Salespeople do this all day long. Those who survive in sales learn quickly what resonates and what does not with customers.

One question that Mr. Gates, or anyone in business attempting to fill a top leadership seat within their organization, should ask is: Will this individual rekindle the spark for products and services that the company builds and get the people within the organization excited and energized? They don’t need to be famous or even brilliant. I believe they need to possess a genuine love for the people, products, and services and a willingness to share that love and belief with the world. They need to offer natural and authentic content so that when people hear it they ask for more. It’s as simple as that.

The real treasure for Microsoft (and all businesses, for that matter) is the people who work hard every day to grow or sustain the business. They might not be polished or carry professional portfolios or degrees from Ivy League schools but chances are if they have the right heart and drive they will stand strong with the organization during challenging times.

An excellent example of one of the best sales visionaries today who landed in the top seat of a major corporation is Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit. He has worked in numerous leadership positions, including senior vice president and general manager of Intuit’s Small Business Division, and before that he was the head of Intuit’s Consumer Tax Group in San Diego. Everyone we know inside and outside of his organization holds him in high regard. He’s likable and he’s not shy about promoting his organization. He sets his priorities and makes time for the people within his organization and small businesses like Fishbowl.
今时今日,最优秀的销售代表也能荣升大公司的掌门人。财捷集团(Intuit)的首席执行官布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)就是个很好的例子。他曾在高级副总裁等多个领导岗位工作,管理过公司位于圣迭戈的消费者税务部门,后来又做过财捷的小企业部门的总经理。据我们所知,史密斯领导的团队内外无不给予他很高评价。他很受欢迎,而且不吝于宣传自己的团队。他设定个人优先处理的任务,把时间留给自己团队的成员和Fishbowl这样的小公司。

I have one rule within my organization that is beyond non-negotiable. All leaders must genuinely and unconditionally love/respect the people, products, and services within the organization. Ninety percent just doesn’t get the job done. To be brutally honest (and a lot of execs might not like hearing this), it doesn’t actually take a lot of smarts to fill the top seat. It takes a lot of heart, trust and willingness to go the distance for the organization even if it means now and again you make yourself vulnerable personally. The people within the organization do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to building the products and services. A great leader gives them credit and spends every waking hour of his or her day sharing this across the globe.

Microsoft has plenty of people who successfully oversee day-to-day operations of the billion-dollar publicly operated enterprise. They should consider hiring someone for the top job who gets over-the-top excited about what Microsoft builds and shares with the world. I believe the ideal candidate could be someone who is not from the upper ranks, which generally consists of a small group of people. Why not let the thousands of Microsoft employees weigh in on who will be their next chief? I would also strongly recommend that Mr. Gates have all their candidates sit down and see if they can pass the standard Microsoft certification exams before they get the top chair to ensure they fully understand the vast capabilities of the products.

The next CEO just might be sitting somewhere within the ranks—an individual with the right heart to lead the company into its finest hour. Microsoft might not be considered the coolest on the market today, but I believe they are most definitely built to last. This, I believe, is the core value proposition of Microsoft: They help people across the globe build and develop skills that can lead to meaningful careers.

These are just a few thoughts from someone who cares about the fate of the big guys and big corporations. They create a multitude of jobs and careers for people. In the end it doesn’t really matter how big or small your company is; we are all remembered for the legacy we leave behind. Good luck to everyone at Microsoft. Thanks for decades of great products and services.

  • insight['invideo
    n. 洞察力;洞悉
  • candidate['kændideit, -dət]video
    n. 候选人,候补者;应试者
  • proposition[,prɔpə'ziʃən]video
    n. [数] 命题;提议;主题;议题vt. 向…提议;向…求欢
  • energize['enədʒaiz]video
    vt. 激励;使活跃;供给…能量vi. 活动;用力
  • priority[prai'ɔrəti]video
    n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事
  • guy[ɡai]video
    n. 男人,家伙vt. 嘲弄,取笑vi. 逃跑
  • gut[ɡʌt]video
    n. 内脏;肠子;剧情;胆量;海峡vt. 取出内脏;摧毁内部装置adj. 简单的;本质的,根本的
  • legacy['leɡəsi]video
    n. 遗赠,遗产
  • polish['pɔliʃ]video
    n. 磨光,擦亮;上光剂,擦亮剂;优雅,精良vi. 擦亮,变光滑vt. 磨光,使发亮adj. 波兰的
  • multitude['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d]video
    n. 群众;多数

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