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发表于 2013-11-10 12:25:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
关键词: 英语
Chinese puts in a good word for the English language中文对英语的影响力与日俱增
Words of Chinese origin are playing a key role in driving the ongoing globalization of English, experts in both languages say.

"The fact that some 300 million Chinese people are now studying or have studied English means the important impact of Chinese on the language can't be denied, " said Paul J.J. Payack, president and chief analyst at Global Language Monitor.
“三亿中国人正在学习或曾经学习过英语,这意味着中文对英语的影响力是个无法否认的事实,”位于美国德克萨斯州全球语言监测机构主席Paul J.J. Payack在接受采访时表示。

It says some 10, 000 words are added to the English language annually, with about 1.83 billion people using English as their native, second, business or technical language.

But the global figure was only about 250 million in 1960, with English-speakers mainly located in Britain and its Commonwealth of former colonies, as well as the United States.

"It's estimated that a new English word is created every 98 minutes, " Payack said.

"One example of a word used in English that originated from Chinese that has appeared recently is chengguan (city patrol officer). A quick Google search results in nearly a million citations, far in excess of our minimum number of required citations."
“例如,最近出现的含有中文渊源的单词是chengguan (城管)。谷歌搜索中有接近100万次的引用,远远超出我们机构对新词要求出现的最少引用次数,”他说。

The Oxford English Dictionary, which waits 10 years before entering a word to ensure it has "staying power", now has about 1, 000 words of Chinese origin, such as taikonaut.
牛津英语词典中目前大概收录了1,000个左右含有中文渊源的词,例如taikonaut (中国宇航员)。

In China, taikonaut refers to a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a spacecraft crew member.

"It's estimated that Chinese, one of the prime drivers of the globalization of the English language, will continue its influence throughout the 21st century, " Payack said.

In August, The Wall Street Journal used the term dama, which is Chinese pinyin for "big mother", to describe the middle-aged Chinese women driving the global gold market.

In a video report, it said it is largely because of dama that China can compete with India as the world's largest gold consumer. Many Chinese people saw the use of dama as evidence that the more advanced a country becomes, the more influential its language is.

Wei Chongxin, dean of Beijing Foreign Studies University's School of Chinese Language and Literature, said he believes such influence is rooted in China's growing global clout.

"When more native English speakers come to learn more about China and have closer relations with the country in daily life, it's normal to see the Chinese and English languages infiltrate with each other's words, " he said.

The convergence of the main languages of global powers has many precedents in history, including the Greek and Roman conquests and the unification of ancient China. In more recent times, the languages of Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, France and Britain dominated many of the colonies they established from the 16th to 19th centuries, according to GLM.

However, compared with the impact of English on the Chinese language in the past, experts say Chinese still has a limited influence on English.

"One reason for the difficulty in translation between English and Chinese is that they stemmed from entirely different language families, " Payack said.

He added that English, with Proto-Indo-European roots has some kinship with Greek, Latin, Celtic, the Romance languages (which include French and Italian), Polish and Russian, and even Kurdish, Farsi and Sanskrit. Meanwhile, Mandarin stems from the Proto-Sino-Tibetan family of languages.

"This makes the contemporary mixing, melding or mash-up of English and Mandarin even more interesting and complex, which is one reason why some 'Chinglish' phrasing strikes outsiders as confusing and even amusing, " Payack said.

But Han Baocheng, a language professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said the use of "Chinglish" phrases cannot be regarded as Chinese words having an influence on the English language.

"At present, most of the limited number of new words with Chinese origins that have been regarded as entering the English language are those that cannot find proper words in English to express the original meanings in Chinese, " he said.

But Wei Chongxin, who is also a senior professional in cross-cultural communication, said such mixing of the two languages provides Chinese- and English-learners with an opportunity to improve their studies and make them easier.

"Moreover, because the two languages can absorb from each other, both can be more vigorous and have a wider range of users, " he said.

The 24-year-old Canadian can speak Mandarin fluently.
Lisa Hoffman,24岁,是一位加拿大来华留学生。她今年毕业于对外经贸大学,可以说一口流利的普通话。

"Since the two languages are completely different, it's really difficult for foreigners, especially those living overseas, to remember Chinese words, " she said.

"For instance, my mom, who can't speak any Chinese, has to remember ni hao (hello) by 'knee' and 'how', " she said. "But she can easily say words with Chinese origins, such as baijiu (liqor), as those words frequently appear in her daily life."

  • kinship ['kinʃip]video
    n. [法] 亲属关系,家属关系;亲密关系
  • consumer [kən'sju:mə]video
    n. 消费者;用户,顾客
  • colony ['kɔləni]video
    n. 殖民地;移民队
  • fluently ['flu:əntli]video
    adv. 流利地;通畅地
  • analyst ['ænəlist]video
    n. 分析者;精神分析医师;分解者
  • patrol [pə'trəul]video
    n. 巡逻;巡逻队;侦察队vt. 巡逻;巡查vi. 巡逻;巡查
  • globalization [,ɡləubəlai'zeiʃən]video
    n. 全球化
  • citation [sai'teiʃən]video
    n. 引用,引证;[法] 传票;褒扬
  • spaceflight ['speisflait]video
    n. 航天;宇宙飞行
  • consultancy [kən'sʌltənsi]video
    n. 咨询公司;顾问工作

 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-10 12:28:36 | 显示全部楼层
The Benefits of a Sleep Buddy同床共枕有什么好处?
Stolen sheets, snoring and hot flashes are just some of the annoyances that lead a quarter of U.S. couples to sleep apart, according to the National Sleep Foundation. But do the benefits of sharing a bed outweigh such costs? One neurologist, Rachel E. Salas, the assistant medical director for the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep, shares her expert opinion.
全美睡眠基金会(National Sleep Foundation)说,美国有四分之一的夫妇分床而睡,而对方喜欢抢被子、有打呼噜的毛病以及自己感觉潮热只是其中的部分原因。但是同床而眠的好处是否大于上述坏处呢?约翰·霍普金斯大学睡眠中心助理医学主任、神经学家萨拉斯(Rachel E. Salas)从专业的角度给出了她的观点。

Safety, Warmth

People have slept in the same bed as a family unit for millennia-mainly for warmth and protection from predators and outsiders, says Dr. Salas, who has studied the history of sleep.

'Back in the cave days and even through recent history, many people didn't bathe often or have lots of clothes, so they slept naked. Sleeping together was essential for warmth, ' she says.

Then as now, she says, it is human to feel safer knowing someone is lying close beside you.

The Science of Spooning

There have been few scientific studies on couples sleeping together. But experts say oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, is released during many types of touching, including cuddling. Increased oxytocin helps the body relax, reduces blood pressure and promotes healing, Dr. Salas says. It also results in emotional feelings related to affection, security and love.

A recent study showed a link between quality of sleep and couples' daytime interactions. For men, the better the sleep a couple got, the smoother their next-day spousal interactions, Dr. Salas says. For women, less negative interaction with their husbands during the day led to more restful sleep that night.

'I can't quote any studies, but from my neurology background, I would suspect that having a person that you are the protector for or who protects you nearby increases the release of neurotransmitters involved with good sleep, ' Dr. Salas says.

Wake-Up Calls

Getting quality sleep enhances a person's quality of life, Dr. Salas says. People with sleep disorders, such as apnea, night terrors or sleepwalking, may benefit from having a bed partner who can observe nighttime behaviors and help with a diagnosis.

But for some people, sleeping together could do more harm than good: 'If you wake up often from ambient noises or get hot in your sleep, keeping your bed to yourself may be exactly what you need.'

'Humans are Social Creatures'

Sleeping apart is a relatively modern phenomenon and varies across cultures, Dr. Salas says. 'My father is from Mexico and my mom is from Texas, and both of them slept with all of their brothers and sisters when they were growing up, ' she says. If you go to other countries, whole families still sleep together, she says. 'Humans are social creatures. We want someone nearby.

  • affection [ə'fekʃən]video
    n. 喜爱,感情;影响;感染
  • creature ['kri:tʃə]video
    n. 动物,生物;人;创造物
  • terror ['terə]video
    n. 恐怖;恐怖行动;恐怖时期;可怕的人
  • disorder [dis'ɔ:də]video
    n. 混乱;骚乱vt. 使失调;扰乱
  • emotional [i'məuʃənəl]video
    adj. 情绪的;易激动的;感动人的
  • warmth [wɔ:mθ]video
    n. 温暖;热情;激动
  • hormone ['hɔ:məun]video
    n. [生理] 激素,荷尔蒙
  • phenomenon [fi'nɔminən, fə-]video
    n. 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才
  • predator ['predətə]video
    n. [动] 捕食者;[动] 食肉动物;掠夺者
  • enhance [in'hɑ:ns, -hæns]video
    vt. 提高;加强;增

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