
发布时间:2009-4-6 22:41    发布者:老郭
关键词: Intel , 处理器 , 功耗


具Intel透露,这两种结果结合在一起可以形成CMOS逻辑电路的基础。CMOS逻辑电路同时采用N沟道和P沟道。这种技术有潜力用于制造将来的微处理 器,其工作温度会低很多。Intel这个全球最大的芯片厂商声称,新晶体管的工作电压可降低50%,其功耗只有当今晶体管的10%。





The mix of new materials as well as P-channel and N-channel transistors can potentially enable Intel Corp. to build microprocessors that consume just 10% of today’s chips in future.

Intel recently disclosed advancement details on a P-channel transistor, built on a silicon substrate, that makes use of compound semiconductors, also known as III-V materials because they are made of elements that straddle silicon in the periodic table, silicon being in column IV. This research resulted in the highest performing P-channel transistors reported to date.  A year earlier, Intel described III-V N-channel transistors, also built on a silicon substrate.

According to Intel, when combined, these two results could form. the building blocks for CMOS logic circuits, which use both N-channel and P-channel transistors. Potentially suitable for future microprocessors, they run far cooler: the world’s largest chipmaker claims that t about 50% the voltage, consuming only 10% the power of today's transistors.

Potentially, if the innovation proves to be viable for mass production of microprocessors, this enables either very small and power efficient chips which are powerful by today’s standards or chips that are dramatically more complex compared to contemporary, but consume the same amount of power. Obviously, the new materials can also enable dramatic improvements in energy efficiency not only for microprocessors, but also for graphics processors, core-logic sets and other highly-integrated devices.

Currently Intel is already researching the aforementioned materials and it will take years before the innovation could materialize.
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