好书:Software Receiver Design: Build Your Own Digital Communication System in F

发布时间:2014-7-29 15:16    发布者:看门狗
关键词: 软件接收器 , 数字通信

Software Receiver Design

Software Receiver Design

Software Receiver Design: Build Your Own Digital Communication System in Five Easy Steps
by C. Richard Johnson Jr, William A. Sethares and Andrew G. Klein

English | 2011 | ISBN: 1107007526, 0521189446 | 480 pages

Have you ever wanted to know how modern digital communications systems work? Find out with this step-by-step guide to building a complete digital radio that includes every element of a typical, real-world communication system. Chapter by chapter, you will create a MATLAB realization of the various pieces of the system, exploring the key ideas along the way, as well as analyzing and assessing the performance of each component. Then, in the final chapters, you will discover how all the parts fit together and interact as you build the complete receiver. In addition to coverage of crucial issues, such as timing, carrier recovery and equalization, the text contains over 400 practical exercises, providing invaluable preparation for industry, where wireless communications and software radio are becoming increasingly important. A variety of extra resources are also provided online, including lecture slides and a solutions manual for instructors.

pro-1107007526.pdf (6.54 MB)

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