Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications

发布时间:2014-7-14 15:51    发布者:看门狗
关键词: 数字通信 , 收发器

Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications

Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications

Now in a 3rd edition, this successful book provides an intuitive approach to transceiver design, allowing a broad spectrum of readers to understand the topics clearly. It covers a wide range of data link communication design techniques, including link budgets, dynamic range and system analysis of receivers and transmitters used in data link communications, digital modulation and demodulation techniques of phase-shift keyed and frequency hopped spread spectrum systems using phase diagrams, multipath, gain control, an intuitive approach to probability, jamming reduction method using various adaptive processes, global positioning systems (GPS) data link, and direction-finding and interferometers, plus a section on broadband communications and home networking. Various techniques and designs are evaluated for modulating and sending digital data. Thus readers gain a firm understanding of the processes needed to effectively design wireless data link communication systems.

tRanSceiveR and SyStem deSign foR digital communicationS.pdf (8.62 MB)

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yhchu 发表于 2014-7-14 16:29:54
rinllow6 发表于 2014-7-14 22:11:33
yuhuikeji 发表于 2015-12-24 11:12:54
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