The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition

发布时间:2010-7-9 18:14    发布者:techieboy
关键词: 模拟电路

Verbal explanations are favored over mathematical formulas, graphs are kept to a minimum, and line drawings are used in this user-friendly book. Clear guidance and advice are provided for those professionals who lay out analog circuits. Matching of resistors and capacitors: Includes causes of mismatch, particularly the hydrogen effect and package shift. MOS Transistors: Covers a brief history of floating gate devices, EPROM and EEPROM. Applications of MOS transistors: Expands information on failure mechanisms, including BVdss/Bvdii, SILC, NBTI/PTBI and GIDL and the difference between electrical and electrothermal SOA. Consideration of failure mechanisms as crucial to layout: Integrates further information into many chapters covering various devices. Standard bipolar, polygate CMOS and analog BiCMOS: Covers all three fundamental processes. A valuable reference for professional layout designers.


The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part01.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part02.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part03.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part04.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part05.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part06.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part07.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part08.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part09.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part10.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part11.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part12.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part13.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part14.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part15.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part16.rar (6.68 MB)
The Art of Analog Layout, 2nd Edition.part17.rar (1.99 MB)
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physib 发表于 2010-9-2 14:10:59
yanxuex 发表于 2010-9-4 15:32:49
anekk 发表于 2010-10-3 17:29:45
Thank you!
chenyi.gaga 发表于 2010-10-11 17:02:32
jjonce 发表于 2010-12-17 13:26:44
正需要呢,Thank you
Jet_Wu 发表于 2011-2-17 19:24:38
limingchou 发表于 2011-2-24 09:32:16
answerbyme 发表于 2011-3-1 12:32:24
ykjing 发表于 2011-3-3 17:50:31
freemouse 发表于 2011-3-24 23:04:03
中英对照看,不过怎么这么多啊 回复2楼physib
ymlin1004 发表于 2011-4-13 12:17:02
Thank you~
speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:52:28
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:53:03
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:54:11
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:54:59
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:55:54
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:56:44
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:57:13
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speedgrass 发表于 2011-4-17 04:57:46
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