a15818662231 2019-6-1 15:55
关闭上电复位 clr_BODEN; // 关闭掉电复位 在初始化中加上这两个处理, WKCON = 0x01; RWK = 144; set_WKTR; system_mode(0); clr_WKTR; 这是我的低功耗处理 set_PD; // 进入掉电模式 set_HIRCEN; // 切换到高速模式 while((CKSWTSET_BIT5)==0); clr_OSC1; clr_OSC0; while((CKENSET_BIT0)==1); 这是 system_mode(0) ...
个人分类: IC|735 次阅读|0 个评论
a15818662231 2017-9-1 13:52
he Code Storage Flash Memory family consists of NOR, NAND and TrustME TM Secure Flash Memories. Winbond is the #1 supplier of Serial Flash products in the industry and is the largest unit supplier of NOR flash memories. In this SpiFlash® family, products range in densities from 512Kb thr ...
个人分类: IC|808 次阅读|0 个评论
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