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已有 212 次阅读2022-11-22 15:58

For users,the experience of180-系统3831-开发9724薇】 Web 3.0 may not be too different from that of Web 2.0,but the difference lies in that users or creators can retain ownership of the content they contribute and also get a certain degree of return.In terms of privacy,users can clearly know the purpose of these data and have decision-making power.

 Web 3.0特色是什么?

 设立了三个相关投资基金的a16zAndreessen Horowitz)把Web 3.0定义为「一组科技,涵盖数码资产、去中心化金融(DeFi)、区块链、代币和分散式自治组织(DAO)。」;区块链以太坊(Ethereum)则指:「Web 3.0是在区块链上运行的去中心化应用(DApp)。这些应用允许任何人参与而不会出卖用户个人数据。」Google前任CEO Eric Schmidt多年前出席南韩数位论坛(Seoul Digital Forum),甚至把Cloud Computing定性为Web 3.0

 The investment website Investopedia pointed out that Web 3.0 has no standard definition so far,but has some obvious features,including decentralization,trustless and permissionless,artificial intelligence and machine learning,connectivity and borderless network.



 Decentralization is the core principle of Web 3.0.Information is no longer stored in a fixed location,but scattered.

 2.去信任化及无权限化(Trustless and Permissionless

 The principle of decentralization is practiced by the principle of distrust and the principle of powerlessness.The"de trust"in Web 3.0 means that the network allows participants to communicate and interact directly without using trusted intermediaries;"No right to limit"means that no one can participate without authorization from the management organization.Therefore,Web 3.0 applications will run on blockchains or decentralized point-to-point networks or their combinations-such decentralized applications are also called DApps

 3.人工智能与机器学习(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

 In Web 3.0,computers will be able to understand information as human beings through the concept of Semantic Web and natural language processing technology.Web 3.0 will use machine learning to imitate human learning methods through data and 本文由系统开发对接威:lovei130908编辑整理发布​​​​​​​​







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