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已有 363 次阅读2022-9-28 14:09 |个人分类:认证服务| IEC 60896-21, 优耐检测

【中文主题词】: 效率;蓄电池组;耐久性;选择;安全;定义;负荷;操作安全;性能;二次电池;功能效率;电气工程;特性;规范(验收);固定的;铅酸蓄电池;试验
【英文主题词】: Batteries;Definitions;Durability;Efficiency;Electrical engineering;Functional efficiency;Lead-acid batteries;Loading;Operational safety;Performance;Properties;Safety;Secondary batteries;Selection;Specification (approval);Stationary;Storage quality;Testing
【摘要】: This part of IEC 60896 applies to all stationary lead-acid cells and monobloc batteries of the valve regulated type for float charge applications, (i.e. permanently connected to a load and to a d.c. power supply), in a static location (i.e. not generally IEC 60896的本部分适用于静态位置(即通常不打算从一个地方移动到另一个地方)的所有固定铅酸电池和浮充电应用的阀控式整体式电池(即永久连接到负载和直流电源),并将其并入固定设备或安装在电池室内用于电信,不间断电源(UPS)、公用设施切换、应急电源或类似应用。 IEC 60896本部分的目的是帮助规范制定者理解IEC 60896-21中包含的每个试验的目的,并提供适当要求的指导,以使电池满足特定行业应用和运行条件的需要。 本标准与IEC 60896-21中描述的通用试验方法结合使用,并与备用电源应用中使用的阀控固定式铅酸电池和整体式电池的所有类型和结构相关。
This part of IEC 60896 applies to all stationary lead-acid cells and monobloc batteries of the valve regulated type for float charge applications, (i.e. permanently connected to a load and to a d.c. power supply), in a static location (i.e. not generally intended to be moved from place to place) and incorporated into stationary equipment or installed in battery rooms for use in telecom, uninterruptible power supply (UPS), utility switching, emergency power or similar applications. The objective of this part of IEC 60896 is to assist the specifier in the understanding of the purpose of each test contained within IEC 60896-21 and provide guidance on a suitable requirement that will result in the battery meeting the needs of a particular industry application and operational condition. This standard is used in conjunction with the common test methods described in IEC 60896-21 and is associated with all types and construction of valve regulated stationary lead-acid cells and monoblocs used in standby power applications.






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