
发布时间:2012-10-10 13:36    发布者:newlife
关键词: 机器人
机器人技术及其应用 下载:机器人技术及其应用.pdf


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wbsh 发表于 2012-10-10 19:30:24
rinllow6 发表于 2012-10-11 12:59:24
fengnl 发表于 2012-11-18 16:46:24
没有伞的孩子 发表于 2015-9-16 13:58:07

LEADIY-M3C is the newest and greatest version of intchip smart uart output IMU module. M3C is 10Dof IMU module with auto run feature. The goal of the M3C is to simplify the development of projects based upon the most powerful and new consumer grade inertial, magnetic and pressure sensors. M3C incorporates three sensors: an MPU-6050(MEMS triple-axis gyro with triple-axis accelerometer ), HMC5883L(triple-axis magnetometer), thus it can give you nine degrees of inertial measurement. In addition, M3C incorporates BMP180(pressure sensor). There is also a cortex MCU on board, by reading the data from the various sensors, it is possible to compute precisely the orientation of M3C in the space. The orientation result is output through uart interface. The main application of M3C is orientation sensing such as drones, action game controller, self-balancing robot, industrial measuring instrument, autonomous vehicles and video stabilization systems. M3C is a tiny but powerful orientation solution.

The cascaded Kalman filter is used in our system to improve the estimated attitude.The precision of the attitude is up to 0.01 Deg. The output frame rate is up to 400Hz. The uart baud rate can be configured up to 460800.

And designed computer monitoring software to monitor the change of the attitude.Simply connect M3C to the serial TX and RX pins with a USB To TTL Serial Converter Adapter Module , open our VisualIMU terminal program, you can see the changing of the attitude, current temperature, air pressure, altitude, Gyroscope angular velocity, acceleration value, magnetism. The data outputted is varied with the position and angle of the module.

You can also read the sensors from the unified IIC access routines, before you do this, you should stop the on-board MCU’s access by sending stop serial output command.

We also provide some example software that demos the used of LEADIY-M3C. Demo code worked on STM32 board and demo code worked on arduino platform can be provided.

Figure 2 shows relative data output of M3C in horizontal state.The compass is used to indicate the heading of the module.
C109j 发表于 2015-9-11 22:02:36
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