MOS器件中的低频噪声 Low-Frequency Noise in Advanced MOS Devices

发布时间:2012-4-24 14:38    发布者:看门狗
关键词: 低频 , 噪声
Low-Frequency Noise in Advanced MOS Devices
Series: Analog Circuits and Signal Processing
Haartman, Martin v., Östling, Mikael

2007, XV, 216 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4020-5909-4

About this book
Low-Frequency Noise in Advanced CMOS Devices begins with an introduction to noise, describing the fundamental noise sources and basic circuit analysis. The characterization of low-frequency noise is discussed in detail and useful practical advice is given. The various theoretical and compact low-frequency (1/f) noise models in MOS transistors are treated extensively providing an in-depth understanding of the low-frequency noise mechanisms and the potential sources of the noise in MOS transistors. Advanced CMOS technology including nanometer scaled devices, strained Si, SiGe, SOI, high-k gate dielectrics, multiple gates and metal gates are discussed from a low-frequency noise point of view. Some of the most recent publications and conference presentations are included in order to give the very latest view on the topics. The book ends with an introduction to noise in analog/RF circuits and describes how the low-frequency noise can affect these circuits.

Written for:
Researchers, professionals and graduate students in the field of semiconductors, electronics and circuits and systems

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rinllow6 发表于 2012-4-25 14:21:53
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