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深圳需要一位 Marketing Manager

发表于 2015-5-15 16:32:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【猎头职位:深圳需要一位 Marketing Manager】联系人:Amy-Dong,邮箱:hr@kthr.com,微信也可查询职位啦!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”或扫描以上二维码即可添加,欢迎大家关注!
Job Responsibilities:
1)Customer engagement together with account sales;
2)Define BD strategies for both direct and distribution customers;
3)Provide product training to end customers, distributors and sales;
4)Provide forecast view to internal planning partners;
5)Provide technical/marketing input into new product definition for new markets and segments;
6)Updates on business development in the south China region for our business units;
7)Participate in monthly and weekly alignment and updates conference calls;
8)New product roll-out to target segments and customers;
9)Provide leadership in key major project tracking and drive for closure for business success。

1)Education background major in EE or related discipline;
2)Excellent presentation and communication skills;
3)Excellent communication skills in speaking and writing;
4)Experienced working in a MNC environment is preferable and a plus;
5)Able to work independently, with effective decision making skills.

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