Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design

发布时间:2010-7-8 16:25    发布者:techieboy
关键词: 集成电路 , 亚微米
Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design  discusses new approaches to better timing-closure and manufacturability of DSM Integrated Circuits. The key idea presented is the use of regular circuit and interconnect structures such that area/delay can be predicted with high accuracy. The co-design of structures and algorithms allows great opportunities for achieving better final results, thus closing the gap between IC and CAD designers. The regularities also provide simpler and possibly better manufacturability.

In this book we present not only algorithms for solving particular sub-problems but also systematic ways of organizing different algorithms in a flow to solve the design problem as a whole. A timing-driven chip design flow is developed based on the new structures and their design algorithms, which produces faster chips in a shorter time.

Written for:
CAD developers, IC designers, engineers and developers in the area of IC fabrication and IC reliability


Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design.part1.rar (4.67 MB)
Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design.part2.rar (4.67 MB)
Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design.part3.rar (4.67 MB)
Regular Fabrics in Deep Sub-Micron Integrated-Circuit Design.part4.rar (4.45 MB)
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mdtjason 发表于 2010-10-24 23:46:01
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