Power Estimation and Optimization Methodologies for VLIW-based Embedded Systems

发布时间:2010-7-8 16:10    发布者:techieboy
关键词: 功耗
The main contribution of Power Estimation and Optimization Methodologies for VLIW-based Embedded Systems consists of the introduction of innovative power estimation and optimization methodologies to support the design of low power embedded systems based on high-performance Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) microprocessors. A VLIW processor is a (generally) pipelined processor that can execute, in each clock cycle, a set of explicitly parallel operations; this set of operations is statically scheduled to form a Very Long Instruction Word.

The proposed estimation techniques are integrated into a set of tools operating at the instruction level and they are characterized by efficiency and accuracy. The aim is the definition of an overall power estimation framework, from a system-level perspective, where novel power optimization techniques can be evaluated.

The proposed power optimization techniques are addressed to the micro-architectural as well as the system level. Two main optimization techniques have been proposed: the definition of register file write inhibition schemes that exploit the forwarding paths, and the definition of a design exploration framework for an efficient fine-tuning of the configurable modules of an embedded system.


Power Estimation and Optimization Methodologies for VLIW-Based Embedded Systems.part1.rar (4.23 MB)
Power Estimation and Optimization Methodologies for VLIW-Based Embedded Systems.part2.rar (4.15 MB)
本文地址:https://www.eechina.com/thread-14770-1-1.html     【打印本页】

qianqian 发表于 2011-4-5 13:04:03
Thanks you!
风雨依旧 发表于 2021-1-30 16:04:05
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