
发布时间:2013-12-21 08:44    发布者:1770309616
关键词: 求职 , 面试
What To Notice Around The Office When You Go For A Job Interview?求职面试时你需要留心的14件事
When you visit a company for a job interview, you should be keenly observant from the time you arrive until you say your goodbyes. I spoke to several career experts to find the 14 things you should look for when you're on a job interview.

1. What does the parking lot look like?
1. 这家公司的停车场怎么样?

Start by assessing the parking lot. Are there reserved spaces for VPs? If so, that can speak volumes about how hierarchical the organization is. Are there clues as to the organization’s culture in the parking lot such as welcoming, even fun signs and easy access for clients? Do they offer, as some companies do, reserved spaces for hybrid cars to encourage environmentally friendly behaviors? Do they have a secure facility for employees who ride their bikes to work?

2. How was I greeted upon arrival?
2. 刚刚赶到时对方是如何接待你的?

Was your appointment known to the front desk? Were you greeted in a friendly manner? Were you offered water or coffee? The first impression a company decides to give to visitors (interviewees or others) can often indicate their philosophy on how employees are treated, as well. A warm and friendly greeting by someone who seems to genuinely care if you're comfortable is a great indicator of a company with a thriving and happy environment.

3. How do employees interact with one another?
3. 员工间如何互相交流?

In interactions, do the employees seem friendly and supportive of each other, or disrespectful? Do they take the time to greet the receptionist, and if so, does she respond with a smile?

“This is a critical observation, ” Kerr adds. He says when he toured Zappos he stood in the lobby and was amazed by the level of energy and the way co-workers greeted each other in the morning. “You knew within minutes this was a workplace that had energy, a place where people actually wanted to be on a Monday morning, and a big part of that was just watching the genuine and outgoing ways people interacted with each other.”
“这个观察很关键。”国际商业演讲者、Humor at Work网站总裁兼撰稿人迈克尔·克尔补充道。他说,当他在参观zappos的时候,他站在门厅里,惊异于该公司员工一大早的活力以及相互问候的方式。“几分钟便能知道,这是一个精力充沛的工作场所、一个周一早上人人都想来的地方,其中很大一部分原因只消看看人们在相互交流时的那种真诚和友好便知了。”

4. How do they answer the phone?
4. 员工如何接听电话?

Do they sound human and engaged, or does it sound like they are on autopilot reading from a script? How people answer the phone, especially in a larger organization, can reflect a few characteristics of their brand. It can tell you if it’s a fun place, if they are truly customer-focused, and if people are allowed to let their own personality shine through. If they sound as though they are reading from a script, this could be a sign that the culture is very controlling. I think you can also get a sense as to how engaged and happy employees are just by how they answer the phone, or even by the nature of the voice mail greeting. Is it warm, human, friendly and fun? Or overly somber, serious, and devoid of any personality?

5. What does their body language say?
5. 他们的肢体语言会传递什么信息?

Body language speaks volumes about the energy level in a workplace, and can often be more revealing than what people actually say. Are people walking with a sense of purpose? Do they look comfortable in this environment? Do they get nervous when the boss walks by? Look out for body language cues while you’re in the office.

6. How committed is the employer is to health and wellness?
6. 雇主在健康和保健方面做得如何?

Is there a gym or fitness center? Are there showers for employees who choose to bike to work? If there’s a cafeteria, what kind of food is offered? Is there a range of healthy options and options that fit your special dietary needs? Kerr says these are all important things to look for.

7. Do employees look happy?
7. 公司员工看起来开心吗?

This isn’t something you can figure out in your pre-interview research. When you arrive, take note of whether or not the receptionist or security guard is friendly. This will be the first person to greet you each morning—so his or her attitude may be more important than you’d think. Once you enter the office, figure out if the employees look happy. Do they smile at you or acknowledge your presence? This can tell you a lot about the overall environment.

8. Is this a fast-paced work environment?
8. 这是一个快节奏的工作环境吗?

This usually depends on the industry or department, but some companies tend to run their businesses at a faster pace than others. If employees are literally running around the office and phones are ringing non-stop, that’s a sign that things move quickly. Do you prefer this type of environment? Do you perform well under pressure? Determine whether you’d be able to keep up and thrive in this type of environment.

9. Is it an organized place?
9. 这是一个安排有序的地方吗?

Does the interview start on time? There could be legitimate reasons for lateness, but if your potential boss is late and doesn’t apologize, this is a red flag.

You’ll also be able to determine whether this is an organized place by the way the interview is conducted. Is your interviewer prepared and focused on you? Or is he or she distracted with calls and hand-held devices? Even in a busy workplace where constant calls and message checking is normal, your interviewer should have arranged uninterrupted time for the interview. Failure to do so is a bad sign.

10. What is the culture and environment like?
10. 文化和氛围如何?

Are people allowed to personalize their office or cubicle space? Does the environment look sterile and devoid of personality? If you get a chance, try and check out a few off the beaten path rooms such as a meeting room, lunchroom and even the washroom. These communal spaces can often speak volumes about a work environment and culture. Often meeting rooms or lunch rooms are places where organizations let their personalities shine through a little more. Is the meeting room look like a place designed to encourage conversation and innovation? Are there fun posters in the lunch room and announcements about outside activities--or is there an angryscolding note chastising someone for not cleaning their dishes?

11. How do employees dress?
11. 员工的着装如何?

Maybe you like a formal setting where people wear suits, or maybe you prefer a casual setting with less formal dress. Observe what everyone is wearing, and determine whether you’d be comfortable in that attire every day.

12. What is the physical layout of the office?
12. 办公室的布局怎么样?

This can also be critical for a lot of people, so take the time to check out whether there’s an open door policy, or an open office concept. Again, some people hate open offices, others love them, so it’s about what is right for you. Maybe the office is a cube farm. How do you perform in that type of setting? These are things to take note of when you go in for your interview.

13. How do managers interact with employees?
13. 管理者如何和员工互动?

Although it can be hard to determine sometimes, if you have the opportunity, try to get a sense of how supervisors and managers interact with employees. This can be very telling as to the kind of environment. It can send subtle clues as to how hierarchical the work environment is or how oppressive it may feel.

14. Is everyone busy?
14. 是每一个人都很忙吗?

Don’t draw conclusions based on how busy one or two individuals look. Instead, take note of the overall picture. In general, do the employees seem to have a lot of down time? Or are they engaged in work? Do they look too busy, with stacks of papers piled on their desks? If it appears that nobody is working, that may be an indication that business is slow. If everyone looks exhausted and overworked, this could mean the company is understaffed.

  • lobby['lɔbi]video
    n. 大厅;休息室;会客室;游说议员的团体vt. 对……进行游说vi. 游说议员
  • fitness['fitnis]video
    n. 健康;适当;适合性
  • indication[,indi'keiʃən]video
    n. 指示,指出;迹象;象征
  • engage[in'ɡeidʒ]video
    vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定vi. 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合
  • innovation[,inəu'veiʃən]video
    n. 创新,革新;新方法
  • personalize['pə:sənəlaiz]video
    vt. 使个性化;把…拟人化
  • dietary['daiətəri]video
    n. 规定的食物;饮食的规定adj. 饮食的,饭食的
  • attire[ə'taiə]video
    n. 服装;盛装vt. 打扮;使穿衣
  • clue[klu:]video
    n. 线索;(故事等的)情节vt. 为…提供线索;为…提供情况
  • distract[dis'trækt]video
    vt. 转移;分心

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1770309616 发表于 2013-12-21 08:49:40


    《财富》杂志撰稿人贝丝•科维特忙里偷闲,为鲍登学院的校友刊物《鲍登杂志》( Bowdoin Magazine)撰写了一篇人物特写,主人公是一对同在纽约创业的姐弟。与阿琳和埃里克•戴维奇姐弟一样,作者也毕业于这家位于缅因州布伦瑞克市的文理学院。本文源自2013年秋季号的《鲍登杂志》,未作任何删改。






    埃里克把这种商业头脑带到了鲍登学院。他在这所大学攻读音乐专业期间竭尽全力,尽可能多地吸收行业相关知识。“我一直在努力学习音乐产业的方方面面,因为我当时真的认为我能够建立一个音乐王国,”他说。正是在这种理想的驱使下,他先后在《公告牌》杂志(Billboard )和大西洋唱片公司( Atlantic Records)当实习生,还在大四那年参与了一个被他视为首次创业经历的毕业生荣誉项目——为一个40人的乐团作曲,同时负责料理制作这个曲目的后勤工作。

    Beth Kowitt took a break from her day job as a writer at Fortune to profile Arlyn and Eric Davich, siblings who both work in the New York City startup scene, for Bowdoin Magazine, Bowdoin College's alumni publication. The Davich siblings and Kowitt are all graduates of the Brunswick, Maine-based liberal arts school. The following is the entirety of the story from Bowdoin Magazine's Fall 2013 issue.
    Fortune managing editor (and fellow Bowdoin graduate) Andy Serwer wrote about San Francisco mayor Ed Lee for the same issue.
    At Bowdoin, Arlyn Davich and her brother Eric were music majors who never took an economics course. Yet, in founding their own companies, they've followed a common route to take them toward very different goals.

    With two entrepreneurs in the family, get-togethers at the Davich household can sometimes resemble business meetings. Mother's Day this year involved a post-brunch session of Eric rehearsing an upcoming presentation in front of his parents and sister, Arlyn. During a recent winter ski trip, the family set up an ad-hoc office around the kitchen table of their Colorado home -- a mishmash of dueling laptops, iPhones, and iPads.
    Being "on" 24/7 is part of the life that Arlyn and Eric signed up for when they decided to build their careers in startups. Arlyn is founder and CEO of Manhattan-based PayPerks, a financial capability and rewards platform for low- and middle-income consumers. Across the East River in Long Island City, Queens, Eric works as chief content officer for Songza, a company he co-founded that offers a streaming music service of curated playlists.
    The two grew up in Randolph, New Jersey, with parents who were themselves entrepreneurial and encouraged the same spirit in their kids. "They instilled in us this idea that change is inevitable," Arlyn says, "so the people who are the most flexible are the people who are going to be the most successful." Their mom runs the business side of their dad's dental practice, which has consistently had the most up-to-date equipment. They were always the most computer-savvy parents on the block.
    But entrepreneurship was accidental for the Davich siblings. At Bowdoin they were music majors, who never took an economics course. Yet, in founding their own companies, they've followed a common route to take them toward very different goals. For Eric, Songza was a way to impact the music industry without living the life of a struggling artist. By starting her own company, Arlyn discovered she could create something and take control of her own career. Their industries may not overlap, but they share that same startup world -- a coincidence that keeps them comparing notes on a professional existence that can be punctuated with extreme highs and extreme lows.
    Even at age fourteen, Eric Davich exhibited the early signs of a budding entrepreneur. He had ambitious career aspirations -- he wanted to be a rock star -- so he finagled his parents into buying him recording equipment, made a CD, and sold it in the school cafeteria.
    Eric carried that business savvy to Bowdoin where as a music major he absorbed as much as he could about the industry. "I was always trying to learn every part of the business because I really thought I could make my own music empire," he says. That meant internships at Billboardmagazine and Atlantic Records, along with a senior year honors project that he views as his first startup -- writing a composition for a forty-person ensemble and handling the logistics of producing it.

    2006年从鲍登学院毕业的当天,埃里克就收拾行囊,去纽约市追寻自己的专业音乐人梦想。尔后的经历一点也不浪漫。他的乐队“小澳大利亚”(Little Australia)很难获得登台演出的机会——埃里克能够演奏多种乐器,但主要担任吉他手。为了更深入地了解一支乐队如何才能获得签约机会,他最终在一家唱片公司找了一份差事。但这份工作带给他最大的感悟是,原来音乐人和唱片公司的前景竟然如此不堪!“在那家公司,所有员工每天都是一副惶惶不可终日的样子,因为他们随时都有可能丢掉饭碗。”正是姐姐的一个问题帮助他理清了思路。阿琳问,他为什么打算进入一个日渐萎缩的行业,而不是进入一家蒸蒸日上的企业、成为它的一份子呢?

    演出间歇期似乎一眼望不到尽头的“小澳大利亚”乐队一直向一家名为艾米街( Amie Street)的动态定价网站上传自己的音乐。所谓动态定价意指,越受欢迎的歌曲定价越高。埃里克向这家网站的创始人发送了一封主题为“我想为你工作”的电子邮件。他的大胆终于获得了回报:2007年,他得到了一份工作。“我认为这是一个涉足网络音乐,获取经验的机会,”他说。“我还能赚点钱,也就不必担心成为一位落魄的音乐人。”一如他此前的经历,在这家初创公司,他几乎什么都干。

    2008年,艾米街收购了Songza。按照埃里克的描述,Songza这家网站最初提供一种类似于谷歌(Google)的音乐搜索服务——输入一首歌曲的名称,互联网帮你找到它,寻找的渠道通常是YouTube。透过Songza,埃里克和他的合作伙伴发现了流媒体音乐的发展潜力:它让用户马上就能聆听到音乐,而不必把歌曲下载至硬盘里。这支团队决定把艾米街出售给亚马逊公司(Amazon),这样他们就能够全身心地经营Songza。很快,Songza就演变为一些经过深度编辑策划、以20首歌曲为一组的播放列表,每组播放列表都有一个主题。比如,《90年代一曲成名传奇》(90s One-hit Wonders)或者《熟男催泪金曲》(Grown Men Making Grown Men Cry)。

    通过客户调查,埃里克和其他创始人意识到,这年头,没有人认为音乐是一种产品。埃里克说:“人们听音乐是为了放松心情,以便更好地完成手头的工作,”让音乐陪伴他们渡过乏味的工作时间。这支团队决定把Songza定位为一种帮助用户增加生活情趣的服务,而不是一个音乐发现产品。感到焦虑不安?请打开《60年代原型朋克劲爆歌曲集》('60s Proto-Punk Blastoff)。正在户外烧烤?何不试试《与天王一起野炊》(Cookout with the King)的感觉(对于那些试图进入你的轿车或健身房的广告客户来说,融入这种背景也是颇具吸引力的)。这种看似简单的思维转换引发了一些严肃的讨论,以及投资者的关注。Songza的iPad和iPhone应用于2012年6月进入苹果应用商店,之后,它在10天内就增加了100多万名客户。



    毕业后,经鲍登学院的一位好友引荐,阿琳找到了一份公关工作。工作期间,她发现自己其实最喜欢跟小企业打交道,甚至有可能亲自创办一家小企业。2007年,她如愿进入哥伦比亚大学( Columbia University)商学院,进一步学习创业所需的定量分析技能。


    The day Eric graduated from Bowdoin in 2006, he packed up and moved to New York City to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional musician. It was by no means glamorous. He struggled to break into the scene with his band, Little Australia. (He plays multiple instruments but is primarily a guitarist.) He got a job at a record label to better understand how bands get signed, but more than anything it helped him gauge how tough the prospects were for artists and record labels. "Everyone that worked there, they were just scared all the time," he says. "Any day they could lose their jobs." It was his sister that helped clarify his thinking: Why was he considering a shrinking industry, Arlyn asked, rather than joining a part of the business that was growing?
    Little Australia, which is on an indefinite hiatus, had been uploading its music to Amie Street, a dynamically priced music site -- the more popular the song, the more expensive to buy it. Eric sent the founders an e-mail with the subject line "I want to work for you." His audacity paid off with a job in 2007. "I saw an opportunity to get my foot in the door and get some experience," he says, "and have some cash to work with so I didn't have to worry about becoming a deadbeat broke musician." Typical of life at a startup, Eric did a little bit of everything.
    In 2008 Amie Street bought Songza, a service that in its original incarnation was what Eric describes as Google for music. Type in a song, and the Internet would find it, usually via YouTube. Through Songza, Eric and his partners saw the potential in streaming music: It gave users instant access to songs without having to download them to their hard drives. The team decided to sell Amie Street to Amazon so they could focus on Songza, which they evolved into hyper-editorialized twelve-song playlists, each with a theme (think "'90s One-hit Wonders" or "Grown Men Making Grown Men Cry").
    Through customer research, Eric and his cofounders realized that nobody thinks of music as a product. "People listen to music to make what they're doing better," Eric says, to get through their run or day at work. The team decided to position Songza as a lifestyle enhancer rather than a music discovery product. Feeling angsty? Check out the "'60s Proto-Punk Blastoff" playlist. Barbecuing? Check out the songs in "Cookout with the King." (Having that context is also attractive to advertisers who want to reach you when you're in your car or at the gym.) That seemingly simple shift in thinking led to some serious buzz and investor attention. After Apple's App Store featured Songza's iPad and iPhone apps on the same day in June 2012, the company added more than a million new users in ten days.
    These days Eric works mostly on marketing and business development. He's technically chief content officer, but at a fast-growing company with a staff of twenty-eight, his responsibilities change regularly. Despite the fact that he's not making a living playing his guitar full time, in some ways he's fulfilled his purpose as a musician. "When I did my honors project at Bowdoin, my goal was to showcase my knowledge of all of the genres of music I've learned about in school," he explains. "[Today] I get to expose people to all those different kinds of music in a way that's really easy and contextually relevant." Now that he's no longer trying to make a career out of making music, he's more productive creatively. "Oddly enough," he says, "that's when I started to become more successful."
    During her junior year at Bowdoin, Arlyn Davich was given an assignment to envision where she saw herself in twenty years. She was a music major (she sings) but claims not to be the best musical talent, so she answered by saying she was going to start a record label. She thought that having her own business would allow her to have a career where she could create something. "That's what appeals to me about being an entrepreneur," she says. "It's what initially attracted me to music at Bowdoin, but I didn't have the talent to realize that creativity."
    After graduating, Arlyn got a job in public relations through a Bowdoin connection. It helped her discover she liked working best with small businesses and could even start one herself. In 2007 she enrolled at Columbia University's business school to get the quantitative skills she needed to launch her own enterprise.
    Arlyn was determined to start a business while at Columbia, but she was missing an essential ingredient -- a good idea. In brainstorming with a professor, she mentioned how much she liked working with a company during her PR days that put coupons in people's paychecks. The professor's reaction was, "People still get printed paychecks?" "It was the question that led me to this business," Arlyn says. After that meeting she started researching the "underbanked" -- people without bank accounts, and was shocked by how big a market it was.



    让我们一起看看它与美国财政部的合作方式,以了解PayPerks的运营方式。财政部每年拨付数十亿美元的社会保障支出,其中很大一部分发放给了没有银行账户的人群,这些人大多通过财政部自己的预付费卡——万事达直通借记卡(Direct Express Debit MasterCard)——接受这笔补助。阿琳说,持卡人经常径直去自动取款机,一股脑地取出所有钱,根本就没有利用这张卡的种种优势。4月1日,PayPerks推出一项针对直通借记卡的奖励计划。用户收到一个内置激活码的刮刮乐拼图。依据这个激活码,用户可以选择加入这个奖赏计划。之后,用户可以遵循一个教育课程,了解使用这张卡的种种好处,同时可赢得积分。很快,他们也可以获得另一种赢取积分的方式——以有助于他们省钱的方式使用这张卡,比如避免取款手续费,选择低结余警示等等。每一个积分都是一次赢取现金奖励的机会。奖金将自动存入借记卡,以激励用户继续参加这项计划。


    阿琳和埃里克这些年来为彼此提供的非正式指导正在促使他们重返鲍登学院。埃里克的合作伙伴也是在布朗大学(Brown University)的课堂上构想出了他们最初的商业创意。戴维奇姐弟真希望他们在本科阶段就能够浸淫在类似的创业文化之中。他们经常听闻有过创业经历的其他校友表达过类似的情绪。

    今年秋天,阿琳和埃里克正式启动了“鲍登创业系列讲座”(Bowdoin Startup Series),进而让在校生有机会亲耳聆听杰出校友以不同方式成为企业家的创业历程。几位客座讲师每周五将莅临这个只需要申请就能参与的讲座。目前已有20位校友同意重返母校,讲述自己的创业故事。同时,这个讲座也有助于学生们建立宽广的人脉网络。



    At the time, prepaid debit cards were a new phenomenon and underutilized by the people who could gain from them the most. "The way you market anything is by educating people on the benefits in an engaging way," she says. "I thought, 'What would it look like to create an engaging and educational experience for this segment of consumers?' That was the problem that I aimed to solve with PayPerks." The solution? A sweepstakes-based rewards program that incentivizes learning about the benefits of financial products and, in turn, helps consumers capitalize off of them.
    Arlyn decided to take her idea to Columbia's business plan competition. During early-morning running sessions with her brother, Arlyn practiced telling the PayPerks story to prepare. Arlyn was good at presenting; it was like rehearsing for a performance back at Bowdoin. Eric would give her feedback using the musical terms they both innately understood -- increase your tempo, start softer. Arlyn went on to win, gaining Columbia as her first investor. "It was just me at that point -- just me, a Powerpoint, and a dream," she jokes. She brought in a co-founder who had more experience on the technology side and spent the first year convincing MasterCard to sign on as a customer.
    As an example of how PayPerks works, take a look at its partnership with the U.S. Treasury. Every year the Treasury pays billions in social security disbursement. A large portion goes to people without bank accounts, with most receiving benefits through the Treasury's own prepaid card called the Direct Express Debit MasterCard. Cardholders often go right to the ATM, Arlyn says, to take all their money out, negating the card's advantages. On April 1, PayPerks launched its rewards program for the Direct Express card. Users received a scratch-off game piece, which comes with an activation code. After registering the code to opt into the rewards program, users win points by following an educational curriculum on the benefits of the card. Soon they'll also be able to earn points by using the card in ways that help them save money -- avoiding ATM fees, enrolling in low balance alerts. Every point is a chance to win a cash prize with the winnings going back onto the card to drive ongoing engagement with the program.
    PayPerks has 100,000 users and is targeting 250,000 by the end of the year. With more than half of the world's population living without a bank account, Arlyn thinks PayPerks has global applications. "We're looking to be the leading financial service marketplace for low- and middle-income consumers globally," she says. The business model clearly has a Common Good aspect to it, which Arlyn says wasn't by design. She didn't start out exclusively looking to launch a social venture, but in doing research she came across the idea of a shared-value company -- one in which the social mission reinforces the profit mission. "It's not a compromise," she says. "It's truly an alignment of intentions."
    The informal guidance Arlyn and Eric have provided one another over the years is something they're now taking back to Bowdoin. Eric's partners had come up with the idea of their original business during a class at Brown, and the Davich siblings wished they had similar exposure to a startup culture during their time as undergrads. It was a sentiment they regularly heard echoed by other Bowdoin alumni who had started their own businesses.
    This fall Arlyn and Eric are launching the Bowdoin Startup Series, a chance for current students to see firsthand examples of alumni who have been successful in different ways as entrepreneurs. Several guest lecturers will visit the application-only course each Friday. Already, twenty alumni have agreed to come back to tell their stories, which will also help students build a broad network.
    While Eric and Arlyn shrug off the idea of starting a business together, they're looking at investing in other startups together. Their primary criterion is that the founders have exceptional personal qualities: "The underlying belief is in order to be a successful entrepreneur you have to be hungry, flexible, and relentlessly persistent," Arlyn says. It's something that you can't see on paper. In their case, it takes one to know one.

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