
发布时间:2013-12-19 09:45    发布者:1770309616
关键词: 美国名校
The Challenge Of Being Poor At America's Richest Colleges在美国名校念书的贫困生面临哪些挑战
Shelling out $300 for one chemistry textbook. Jetting off to Budapest, Paris and Rome while studying abroad in Madrid. Grabbing a last-minute Amtrak ticket to Manhattan for a job interview during senior year.

For many students at America’s elite colleges, these are as much a part of university life as pulling all-nighters and complaining about dining hall food. But for low-income students, these are not only unaffordable luxuries, but part of a topic that can be more taboo than sexual orientation: the size of their wallets.

Much has been written about getting high-achieving, low-income students through the Ivy-covered gates of America’s top colleges. And indeed, the focus on improving the economic diversity of college admissions is needed; a recent Brookings study found that just 8% of low-income students applied to a “reach” school and just 34% of high-achieving students in this group attended one of the country’s 238 most selective universities. (The study defined low income as being in the bottom fourth, income-wise, of families with a senior in high school. For 2008, the year studied, low-income meant a family income below $41, 472.)

Not surprisingly, while poor kids are underrepresented on elite campuses, the wealthiest kids are overrepresented. At Harvard, 45.6% of undergraduates come from families with incomes above $200, 000 — in other words, incomes in the top 3.8% of all American households.

Yet for all the studies and attention paid to how to get more low income students onto America’s top campuses, there’s little discussion (on or off campus) about what life is like for those students after they win admission.

In a guest column for Duke University’s student newspaper that recently went viral, senior KellyNoel Waldorf addresses how isolating it can feel as a low-income student at an elite university. “Why is it not OK for me to talk about such an important part of my identity on Duke’s campus? Why is the word “poor” associated with words like lazy, unmotivated and uneducated? I am none of those things, ” she writes. “Why has our culture made me so afraid or ashamed or embarrassed that I felt like I couldn’t tell my best friends ‘Hey, I just can’t afford to go out tonight?’”
最近像病毒般迅速传播的杜克大学学生报纸的客座专栏中,大四学生凯莉·诺埃尔·沃尔多夫(Kelly Noel Waldorf)谈及一所精英大学的低收入家庭学生会感到多么孤立无援。“为什么在杜克大学的校园,我不能谈论我身份中这么重要的一部分?为什么一提到‘贫穷’这个词,人们就与懒惰、消极和没有受过教育联系在一起?我不属于其中任何一种。”她写道。“为什么我们的文化让我如此害怕,或耻于跟我的朋友们说:‘嗨,今晚我没钱跟你们一起外出。’”

In a recent phone interview, Waldorf clarified that this isn’t just a Duke-specific problem, but an issue that exists across the country and is exacerbated by some of the wealth she and others see at Duke.

“I was in a class once where a professor basically assumed that no one in the class had cleaned a house for money, and that wasn’t true, ” Waldorf says. “It’s sort of like an erasure of that population, ” she says.

Beth Breger, executive director for Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA), a scholarship organization that helps high-achieving, low-income students gain admission to America’s top colleges, says part of the problem stems from the fact that a majority of campuses are set up for your average upper/middle class student, one who comes to school with a certain set of “soft skills” that disadvantaged students still need to learn.
贝丝·布雷格(Beth Breger)是“面向多元化美国的领导事业(Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America,LEDA)”的执行董事,该组织为成绩优异的低收入家庭学生提供奖学金,资助他们进入美国顶级大学学习。她说该问题部分源于大多数大学是为中/上层阶层的学生开设的,这些学生在进入大学时已具备一定的“软技能”,而这些软技能是家庭条件不那么好的学生仍需要学习的。

“Setting up a bank account for the first time. How to make an appointment with a professor. How to ask for a recommendation letter. How to navigate support from a TA (teaching assistant), ” are things lower-income students need to learn, Breger says. And these knowledge gaps are just the tip of the iceberg.

As anyone who’s ever subsisted on ramen noodles for weeks on end knows, the effects of an empty wallet can pervade virtually every aspect of life. Students I spoke with talked about how, despite full academic scholarships that cover tuition, room and board, difficulties arise with everything from affording on-campus student events (such as musicals or concerts), to missing out on Greek life, to eating alone in at the dining hall on a Friday night when friends are eating out somewhere they can’t afford.

Even something as simple as a trip to the laundry room can serve as a reminder of the income disparities. Christian Ramirez, a LEDA scholar who grew up in Queens and is currently a junior at Harvard, remembers a time during his freshman year when his mother came to visit and decided to help him with his laundry. They both noticed piles of clothing on top of the washing machines in his dorm’s laundry room and Ramirez realized that he had seen those exact same piles a week or two before. The realization—that someone would simply forget to pick up his clothes –took both Ramirez and his mother aback. “When I do laundry, I literally make sure I have every single sock and no piece of clothing is left behind, ” he says. “I personally cannot afford to replace them, ’’ he says.
甚至连去趟洗衣房这么简单的事都能提醒他们收入上存在的悬殊差距。克里斯汀·拉米雷斯(Christian Ramirez)是一位LEDA奖学金获得者,他在皇后区长大,现在是哈佛大学的三年级学生,他还记得在大一期间,他妈妈来看他时想帮他洗衣服。他们两人都注意到在他们宿舍楼洗衣房的几台洗衣机上,摞着大堆衣物,拉米雷斯意识到他一或两周前看到的是同一堆衣物。这种意识——有人根本忘记要收走衣物——让拉米雷斯和他的母亲都吃了一惊。“我去洗衣服的时候,我会确保每样东西都收走,没有一件衣物落下。”他说。“我个人没法负担弄丢了再买的开销。”他说。

Clothes can be one of the most conspicuous indicators of wealth, and more than one low income student noted the designer threads peers wear serve as persistent reminders of the wealth gap. Yasmine Arrington is a Jack Kent Cooke scholar – the recipient of a prestigious scholarship from the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, so named for the former Redskins owner who left his fortune to high-need, high-achieving students — who now attends Elon University, a southern school where guys favor khakis and many girls wear the preppy Lilly Pulitzer brand. Arrington remembers her reaction when she discovered what an average Lilly Pulitzer piece might cost.
衣物是家庭富裕程度最显而易见的指标之一,而且不止一个低收入家庭的学生提到,从头到脚一身名牌的同学无时无刻不在提醒他们财富上面的差距。杰克·肯特·库克基金会(Jack Kent Cooke Foundation)的奖学金享有极高声望。基金会的名字以华盛顿红人队前老板的名字命名,他将自己的财富留给了成绩优异而又极需资助的学生。雅斯明·阿灵顿(Yasmine Arrington)是该奖学金的获得者,目前就读于依隆大学,在这所南方大学中,男生偏爱卡其布服装,而很多女生则身着Lilly Pulitzer的学院风服饰。阿灵顿还记得当她发现平均一件Lilly Pulitzer衣服的价格时她的反应是什么。

“I was like, ‘oh my goodness a dress for $200?’” Arrington, an Elon junior, says. However, she says it doesn’t get to her because she focuses on developing her own style for her own prices, which most importantly, makes her happy. “I don’t feel deprived because it makes me more unique. My style is my style and no one else is going to walk in with my suede boots or jeans.”

Nightlife offers its own set of dilemmas. Those whose wealthier friends don’t mind footing the bill for a night out — in the name of friend-group unity, perhaps — find accepting such financial help can introduce a certain level of guilt.

“If we go out, and friends are like, ‘oh no, I’m getting this, I’ll pay for this, ’ and then it’s like bah!” says Edith Carolina Benavides, a Jack Kent Cooke scholar who is a senior at Harvard. “I literally owe so much money to my friends, beyond owing them so much for their support and being there for me.”
“如果我们外出,而朋友们说:‘哦不,我来结,我来买单,’这种感觉很糟。”杰克·肯特·库克奖学金获得者伊迪丝·卡罗琳娜·贝纳维德斯(Edith Carolina Benavides)说,她是哈佛大学的四年级学生。“我欠我的朋友们这么多钱,此外他们给予了我这么多的支持和帮助,我欠他们的太多了。”

Maureen Mahoney, the dean of the college at Smith College, and Barbara Cervone, president of the education non-profit What Kids Can Do both noted that medical problems — particularly lagging dental care or undiagnosed learning disabilities — can cause significant snags for poor students who might already be reeling from the academic culture shock. Cervone remembers one high achieving student from the Dominican Republic who, in her freshman year at Wellesley, found she had several rotting teeth, which couldn’t be fixed because the university’s health policy wouldn’t cover it. After a petition to the college president, the policy changed and the student was able to get the care she needed and continue with her studies. But the situation highlights how proactive students have to be to procure the funds and care they might need.
史密斯学院院长莫林·马奥尼(Maureen Mahoney)和非营利教育机构What Kids Can Do总裁芭芭拉·切尔沃内(Barbara Cervone)都注意到了医疗的问题——尤其是拖着不治的牙病或未经确诊的学习障碍——可能会对已经受到学院文化冲击而烦恼不已的贫困学生造成更大困扰。切尔沃内还记得一位来自多米尼加共和国的优秀学生,在上韦尔斯利学院的第一年,她就发现自己有几颗蛀牙,而这些蛀牙无法修补,因为这所大学的医保政策并不包括这一项。在向学院院长递交了一份请愿书后,学校修改了医保政策,这名学生得以接受其需要的牙科治疗并继续其学业。但这种情况表明,学生需要多主动才能获得其需要的资金支持和医疗服务。

This proactiveness doesn’t always come naturally, Mahoney notes, as many high-achieving students (low income or otherwise) have trouble asking for help when they need it. Assuming, of course, a low income student knows exactly what resources they need. Renata Martin, a Jack Kent Cooke scholar at Brown says that she never saw herself as “disadvantaged” while growing up, but coming to a school like Brown brought to light all the resources and opportunities she had missed out on, and missing out on even the simplest things – like academic support resources or individualized academic attention – can make it hard to look for them in a higher-ed scenario.
但马奥尼指出,这种主动性并不总是自发的,因为很多优秀学生(低收入家庭或其它情况)在他们需要帮助的时候很难开口。当然,假设一名低收入家庭的学生确切知道他们需要哪些资源的话。布朗大学的杰克·肯特·库克奖学金获得者勒娜特·马丁(Renata Martin)说,她在成长的过程中从来不觉得自己是“穷人”,但上了布朗大学这样的学校后,她看到了自己缺失的那些资源和机遇,她甚至看到了自己缺失的那些最简单的东西——比如学习辅导资源或对个人的教学指导——这在高等教育中是很难得到的。

“I think the hardest part is not even financial – it’s trying to know about most of the things that your peers know about, ” she says. “It can be isolating, going to a public high school with all these differences you don’t think about until you go to an elite school where you stand out in many different ways.”

Some colleges, like Smith, and scholarship foundations, like LEDA, try to spread awareness of the academic and financial support resources available to low-income students. At Smith, this support includes a (limited) extra fund available to students in emergency situations, so if a family emergency arises and a last-minute flight across the country becomes necessary, a low-income student can make the trip. Not all campuses or scholarship organizations offer this feature, so it’s important to check with the office of student life and/or the financial aid office to get a full list of student benefits and resources.

While many of the students interviewed say that life as a low income student at an elite campus got progressively easier as they got older and carved out their own niches, Duke’s Waldorf notes that her low-income status adds additional pressure to one of the more trying parts of senior year: hunting for a job or applying to graduate school.

“I don’t have money to pay for transportation for interviews. What if my phone gets shut off right before an interview?” she says. “A lot of the Duke population is not thinking about, ‘is it difficult for my neighbor to job search because they don’t have nice interview clothes?’”

To be sure, the solutions to these issues vary on a campus-by-campus basis. Some student career service centers — like Barnard’s — have a suit-borrowing program from which students without business-professional clothing can borrow a donated dress suit with their student ID, at no cost. Other campuses, such as UNC, have a stipend students can apply for that can help pay for interview clothes. Likewise, some colleges and graduate programs (William and Mary’s Mason School of Business is one) have stipends available for job-hunting transportation costs.

LEDA’s Breger says that graduate school application costs – including prep courses, prep books, test fees and school application fees – are so high that is not uncommon for a low income student to decide the costs are prohibitive. Instead, they may graduate and work for a few years to save money and then apply to graduate school. The good news is that there are fee-waivers available for low-income test takers of the GRE, GMAT, LSAT and MCAT; the bad news is that because different testing boards run each exam, the eligibility requirements and application process for the fee waivers vary from test to test, so it’s important to read the fine print before you count on receiving discounted exam fees.

It should be noted that job-related resources aren’t just for low-income seniors; there are a number of stipends and scholarships available for low-income students who wish to pursue unpaid internships and research opportunities earlier in their undergraduate careers — opportunities that are frequently limited to their higher-net-worth counterparts. College Greenlight is one such resource for these scholarships: a division of scholarship search engine Cappex, it dedicates its algorithms to finding resources especially targeted to low-income or first-generation college students (often one and the same). Among the scholarships currently available on College Greenlight is a $10, 000 award for a student interested in broadcast journalism or digital media; a $25, 000 award with a potential spot in Merck’s summer program, specifically for an African American college junior; and four consecutive paid summers at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank, California.
需要指出的是,与找工作相关的资源并不只是面向低收入家庭的大四毕业生的。此外还有很多补助金和奖学金是提供给想要在大学期间尽早开始无薪实习和研究工作的低收入家庭学生的——这些工作机会常常只有他们那些家庭背景较优越的同学才能得到。College Greenlight就是提供此类奖金学信息的组织之一,它是奖学金搜索引擎Cappex的一个部门,它开发的算法搜索特别为低收入或第一代大学生(通常都是一回事)提供奖学金资源。目前,在College Greenlight上可以搜索到的奖学金信息包括:对有兴趣从事广播新闻或数字媒体行业的学生提供的10,000美元奖励;专门为非裔美籍大三学生提供的25,000美元奖励,有可能会在默克药厂(Merck)的暑期实习计划中获得一个职位;以及在加州伯班克市华纳兄弟电影公司(Warner Brothers Studios)连续四年的带薪暑期实习机会。

Jonathan April, College Greenlight’s general manager, says that many colleges offer their own internship stipend programs, so it’s important to supplement a Cappex/College Greenlight search with visits to the financial aid office and the career services office. (The dual visit might be a pain, but it’s better to leave no stone unturned with these things.)
College Greenlight的总经理乔纳森·埃普利尔(Jonathan April)表示,很多大学都设立了自己的实习补助金计划,因此除了使用Cappex/College Greenlight搜索引擎之外,还要向助学金办公室和就业服务办公室了解情况,这非常重要。(造访这两个办公室可能会是痛苦的经历,但对这些事情最好全面了解清楚。)

Ultimately, it’s spreading awareness of resources like these — and not being afraid to have discussions about economic disparities on campus — that will help low-income students feel more at ease at elite universities, students and adult experts say.

Low income students “need to be assured that they’re as entitled to all the resources of a Smith education as any other student here. It’s often not so much about direct intervention so much as exposing them to all the incredible opportunities we have here, and to make sure they know these opportunities are for them, ” Smith’s Mahoney says.

Breger echoes these sentiments. “You’re getting an education valued at a quarter-million dollars and you should milk every dollar you can, ” she says. “Get the most bang for your buck whether it’s your buck or not. These resources are part of what make these campuses so phenomenal. It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help; if anything it’s a sign of strength.”

If hearing advice from adults doesn’t help, take it from someone who’s still navigating this often tricky terrain. Harvard’s Christian Ramirez remembers feeling alone as a low-income student at an Ivy League institution at first, but slowly realizing there were many other students like him and it was okay to ask one of them, or an administrator, for help.

“[The school’s] resources are there to help you, and don’t be afraid to seek them out, ” he says, ultimately concluding that success is possible if students channel one key characteristic. “It’s about being tenacious. I think tenacity in these situations can go a long way.”

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1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:47:13
n. 新闻业,新闻工作;报章杂志
n. 意识,认识;明白,知道
n. 容器,接受者;容纳者adj. 容易接受的,感受性强的
n. 感情,情绪;情操;观点;多愁善感
vt. 澄清;阐明vi. 得到澄清;变得明晰;得到净化
n. 学费;讲授
n. 犯罪,过失;内疚
isolate['aisəleit, -lit]video
vt. 使隔离;使孤立;使绝缘n. [生物] 隔离种群vi. 隔离;孤立adj. 隔离的;孤立的
elite[ei'li:t, i'li:t]video
n. 精英;精华;中坚分子
scenario[si'nɑ:riəu, -'næ-, -'nεə-]video
n. 方案;情节;剧本
1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:49:00

    这是为什么呢?正如莉斯·怀斯曼在《乘数》( Multipliers)中所描述的那样,这种做法可以让身边的人变得更聪明。员工们不再坐等首席执行官发号施令,而是开动脑筋自己解决问题。这将提高员工能力,最终使他们更好地实行公司战略。
    如何做到这一点呢?CEO们都可以读读马克·古尔斯顿《倾听就好》(Just Listen)一书,学学作者解决问题的方法。他是一名临床精神病专家,根据以前作为人质谈判专家和FBI培训师的经历提供商业咨询。


    When business owners mature as leaders, they make two crucial changes in the way they run their companies: They spend considerably more time listening than talking. And instead of trying to have all the answers, they start asking more questions. They'll cut through the fog at critical moments with exactly the right inquiry, instead of barking commands.
    Why? It makes everyone around them smarter, as Liz Wiseman explains in her book Multipliers. Instead of waiting for the CEO to issue orders, employees start thinking for themselves. That amplifies their strengths and ultimately makes them better at executing the company's strategy.
    Listening is the most powerful method to persuade others to join your cause. No one knows this better than hostage negotiators. They have one job -- to get the hostage-taker to put the weapon down -- but they can't just reach over and grab the barrel of the shotgun. All they can do is ask the right questions to make the hostage-taker want to surrender it on his own.
    I don't mean to imply that your employees are criminals. But they are individuals who have their own motivations and agendas. By learning to ask them questions the way a CEO should -- and listen carefully to their answers -- you'll build a happier workplace and achieve better results. Most employees will do what's necessary to get by, but if they are enthusiastically behind you, they'll put in a lot more effort, as leadership expert Aubrey Daniels has explained. That can be your competitive edge.
    So how do you do this? Every CEO can learn from the approach taken by Mark Goulston, author of the book Just Listen. He's a clinical psychiatrist who advises businesses based on what he learned as a former hostage negotiator and trainer for the FBI.
    It starts with your meetings, which employees usually think are a giant time suck. Don't start with reviewing the agenda or issuing directives at your next one. Instead, he suggests, ask your employees to imagine walking back to their desks afterward and think about what the meeting would have covered if it had been the best one you ever had. Go around the room and ask a few people, not just the biggest talkers, for their input. Usually, the feedback you'll get comes down to a couple of things, he says: "We'd like to know what the most urgent priorities are," and "I'd like to know what I should be focusing on -- and if it's different, I don't want to be told two weeks from now that we dropped it."
    Once the meeting is underway, concentrate on listening more -- with a CEO's focus on big-picture goals -- and making fewer comments. Goulston suggests using "conversation deepeners" to show employees you're interested in what they have to say. Simply saying, "say more about that," "hmmm," or "really" after they made a particularly emphatic comment -- such as one where they've used the word "always" or "never" -- will prompt them to elaborate on issues that they're passionate about. This is where you are likely to find out about things that are getting in the way of your team's progress, whether it's a broken copy machine or a process for handling customer service calls that's going awry.
    Once you've covered the most important topics at the meeting, make sure employees are leaving with the same priorities you have. Goulston recommends shaking things up with a pop quiz at the end. Ask employees to write down what they think were the most important and critical takeaways of the meeting on an index card -- anonymously -- and collect them.
    If your team is focused on the wrong priorities, reading the cards will help you figure that out. Let's say some of them have completely misunderstood the next steps you've outlined. You might say, "I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is we're all over the place. The good news is it's my responsibility to fix that. I'm going to do a better job so in the future we can all be on the same page. If I were to ask myself what I thought were the most important, critical, and urgent things, they would be the following."
    Then outline them. "If you leave anything to their imagination, and you're not specific, you run the risk of their working hard doing the wrong thing," says Goulston. That can lead to disaster.
    There's a big reward for CEOs who take the time to listen to their employees and learn how to ask the right questions. They're the ones who end up being able to grow their companies. They can trust their employees to get things done -- instead of working 24/7 to do everything themselves like the vast majority of business owners. Which type of CEO do you want to be?

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:50:55


1. 哈佛商学院
• 得分:100
• GMAT平均分:727
• 录取率:11.8%
• 2013年平均基本工资:120,000美元
今年9月,《纽约时报》(The New York Times)发表了一篇长篇专题报道,介绍哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)在校园中努力消除性别不平等的成果。但那篇冗长的文章留给读者的总体印象是,哈佛商学院似乎存在一些深层次的问题,仍然需要它努力解决。
事实上,在解决性别不平等问题方面,哈佛商学院取得了令人印象深刻的进展。性别不平等问题在几乎所有商学院都普遍存在。从更宏观的层面说,这是一个社会问题。2013届学生中,荣获“贝克学者”荣誉(Baker Scholar,班级前5%)的女性比例创下历史记录。47名贝克学者中有38%是女性。而在几年前,这个精英群体中的女性可谓凤毛麟角。虽然2009届的女性学生比例达到了36%,但当年的“贝克学者”仅有11%为女性。

1.  Harvard
• Index: 100
• Average GMAT: 727
• Acceptance rate: 11.8%
• 2013 median base salary: $120,000
In September, The New York Times published a major feature on Harvard Business School's highly successful efforts to erase gender inequality from its campus. But the overall impression left by the lengthy article was that Harvard had some deep-seated problems that it was still struggling to resolve.
In fact, the school has made impressive strides to address what is a broader societal issue that plays out to some degree on all business school campuses. In the class of 2013, the percentage of women receiving Baker Scholar honors, the top 5% of the class, hit a new record. Out of 47 Baker Scholars, 38% were women. Only a few years ago, women were routinely underrepresented among this elite cohort. Though women account for 36% of Harvard's class of 2009, only 11% of Baker Scholars were female.
This year's entering class, meantime, boasts the highest percentage of women to ever enter Harvard Business School. Some 41% of the incoming 941 students were women, up from 40% last year and the previous year's 39%.

2. 斯坦福大学商学院
• 得分:99.6
• GMAT平均分:732
• 录取率:6.8%
• 2013年平均基本工资:125,000美元
斯坦福大学商学院今年的新生尤为引人注目。一年级MBA的平均分高达3.73分,在所有美国商学院中名列榜首,高于去年斯坦福大学商学院的3.69分。研究生管理专业入学考试(Graduate Management Admission Test)的平均分也创下历史记录,为732分,去年为729分。

2.  Stanford
• Index: 99.6
• Average GMAT: 732
• Acceptance rate: 6.8%
• 2013 median base salary: $125,000
A record 18% of this year's graduating class at Stanford started their own companies, solidifying this business school's position as the leading incubator for MBA startups. Its location in the heart of Silicon Valley, not far from Sand Hill Rd., the epicenter of the venture capital world, has made Stanford startups the most generously funded of all new ventures coming out of business school.
This year's entering class at Stanford is among the most distinguished its ever had. The average grade point average of the first-year MBAs crept ever higher, to an impressive 3.73, the highest of any U.S. business school and up from Stanford's 3.69 average last year. The average score on the Graduate Management Admission Test is also a new record: 732, up from 729 last year.

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:53:57
3. 芝加哥大学——布斯商学院
• 得分:98.9
• GMAT平均分:723
• 录取率:21%
• 2013年平均基本工资:115,000美元
芝加哥大学布斯商学院(Chicago Booth)连续第四年在Poets&Quants的排名中位列第三,并依然保持着强劲的势头。今年的美国十佳商学院中,布斯商学院的申请人数增幅最大:约增加了10%。申请人数的增加使它有条件挑剔,而它今年最终录取率仅有21%。今年新生的GMAT平均分为730分,首次与哈佛商学院打成平手。

3.  Univ. of Chicago - Booth
• Index: 98.9
• Average GMAT: 723
• Acceptance rate: 21%
• 2013 median base salary: $115,000
Chicago Booth ranked third on Poets&Quants' list for the fourth consecutive year and continued to build on its formidable momentum. Among the top 10 U.S. business schools, Booth reported the largest increase in applications this year: a near 10% increase. The increased volume allowed the school to be quite selective, admitting only 21% of its applicant pool. The median GMAT score for the incoming class this year was 730, matching Harvard Business School for the very first time.
When grads from the class of 2008 were surveyed for a return-on-investment ranking of MBA programs, Booth turned up second, behind only Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. It was a surprising showing, particularly given Booth's reputation for its educational offerings in finance, which was among the most damaged sectors during the Great Recession and was particularly punishing to class of 2008 grads. Yet, Chicago alumni reported five-year gains in average salary of $92,600, well above Harvard's $79,600 or Wharton's $74,400.

4. 宾夕法尼亚大学——沃顿商学院
• 得分:98.2
• GMAT平均分:725
• 录取率:22%
• 2013年平均基本工资:120,000美元
沃顿商学院出现了什么问题?实际上,问题并不严重。但两个月前《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)的一篇文章却指出,沃顿商学院近几年落后于竞争对手,还说沃顿商学院过去四年的申请人数减少了12%,在商学院中的排名多年来也在持续下滑。几家MBA入学咨询公司也赞同这种观点,称随着市场从沃顿商学院的核心优势——金融领域,向科技与创业领域转变,沃顿商学院正在慢慢褪去昔日的光环。

4.  Univ. of Pennsylvania - Wharton
• Index: 98.2
• Average GMAT: 725
• Acceptance rate: 22%
• 2013 median base salary: $120,000
What's wrong with Wharton? Not very much, to tell the truth. Yet a Wall Street Journalstory two months ago suggested that Wharton has fallen behind rivals in recent years, pointing out that applications have dropped 12% in the past four years along with a years-long decline in business school rankings. Several MBA admissions consultants reinforced the story line, saying that Wharton's luster had faded as the market has shifted away from the school's core strength in finance toward technology and entrepreneurship.
Yet MBA graduates from Wharton this year had one of the best placement records in the school's history. Some 97.8% of the class had job offers three months after graduation, up from 95.5% a year earlier, and median base salaries rose to $125,000, up $5,000 from 2012.
This year's entering class at Wharton, moreover, is arguably its best ever -- at least as judged by average GMAT scores. The 725 average GMAT score for the class of 2015 is a record and seven points higher than the previous year. And unlike many other business schools, Wharton has led the way by enrolling record percentages of women, higher than either Harvard or Stanford. This year, 42% of the entering class is made up of women.

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:56:55
5. 西北大学——凯洛格商学院
• 得分:96.0
• GMAT平均分:715
• 录取率:22.9%
• 2013年平均基本工资:120,000美元
凯洛格商学院(Kellogg)院长萨丽•布朗特曾在纽约大学(New York University)斯特恩商学院(Stern School)负责商学专业的本科生课程。凯洛格商学院在她的带领下正在朝着积极的方向发展。学院近期开始动工修建一座超现代化的新校园,届时,在新校园将可以欣赏到密歇根湖和芝加哥天际线的壮丽景色。凯洛格商学院预计2016年末就会搬进这个占地410,000平方英尺的全球中心。

5.  Northwestern-Kellogg
• Index: 96.0
• Average GMAT: 715
• Acceptance rate: 22.9%
• 2013 median base salary: $120,000
Under Dean Sally Blount, who was recruited from New York University's Stern School, where she led the undergraduate business program, Kellogg is pushing forward in remarkably positive ways. The school recently broke ground on a new ultra-modern home with dramatic vistas of Lake Michigan and Chicago's skyline. Kellogg expects to move into the 410,000 square foot global hub in late 2016.
It's the latest in a series of changes at Kellogg under Blount, including a greater emphasis on its one-year MBA program for business undergraduates, dramatic improvements in the way the school is teaching entrepreneurship, and a new marketing campaign that challenges Kellogg's grads to "think bravely." To fund the improvements, Blount is half way toward reaching the finish line of a $350 million capital campaign.
This year, for the first time ever, the school added a video component to its admissions process, requiring applicants to answer random questions on webcam.


6. 麻省理工学院斯隆商学院
• 得分:94.2
• GMAT平均分:713
• 录取率:15.2%
• 2013年平均基本工资:118,500美元

6.  MIT Sloan

• Index: 94.2
• Average GMAT: 713
• Acceptance rate: 15.2%
• 2013 median base salary: $118,500
MIT Sloan's two-year MBA Program is comprised of a combination of case studies, team projects, lectures, live case discussions, interactions with industry leaders, and hands-on lab classes. Throughout the first-semester core curriculum, students build the foundation of their MIT Sloan education. Working with a team of five or six classmates, they gain skills through required course work in economics, accounting, managerial communication, business statistics, and organizational processes (as well as an elective in either strategic marketing or finance).

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 09:58:57
7. 哥伦比亚大学
• 得分:93.7
• GMAT平均分:716
• 录取率:18.1%
• 2013年平均基本工资:110,000美元

7.  Columbia

• Index: 93.7
• Average GMAT: 716
• Acceptance rate: 18.1%
• 2013 median base salary: $110,000
Leadership. Innovation. Entrepreneurship. All popular buzzwords in MBA programs, for sure, and three of the key ingredients in a newly redesigned core curriculum Columbia has rolled out this fall for its incoming class of 2015.
The school's curriculum was last redesigned in 2009 to respond to the changing business environment wrought by the financial crisis. The new core comes on top of a highly successful fundraising campaign that has raised $500 million toward the $600 million cost of a new campus for the school, which is expected to open in early 2018.
Among the latest changes, Columbia will now teach some technical components of courses online to free up more classroom time for deeper discussion. The school will also increase the number of electives students can take in the first year to allow them to make a stronger impression on employers during their summer internships.


8. 达特茅斯大学塔克商学院
• 得分:93.6
• GMAT平均分:719
• 录取率:20.8%
• 2013年平均基本工资:115,000美元
小。气氛融洽。默契和协作。说起在达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth)塔克商学院(Tuck School of Business)攻读MBA的经历,学生们都会这么形容。塔克商学院位于偏远的新罕布什尔州汉诺威市。学院的学生和教授的关系非常融洽。这所学校宣布,连续第三年有超过70%的校友为学院捐款。这是非常了不起的成就,因为在前20家商学院中,校友捐款比例仅有20%左右。

8.  Dartmouth - Tuck
• Index: 93.6
• Average GMAT: 719
• Acceptance rate: 20.8%
• 2013 median base salary: $115,000
Small. Intimate. Cozy and collaborative. That is how students describe the MBA experience at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business in rural Hanover, N.H., where students and professors get to know each other remarkably well. The school announced that for the third consecutive year, more than 70% of its alumni have contributed money to the school. That's quite an achievement, considering the average alumni giving rate for a top 20 business school is about 20%.
The participation rate is often considered the best and most visible sign of the alumni network's loyalty to the school and its willingness to help current students. The generosity of Tuck's alumni reflects, in part, the strong bonds MBA students make with each other and the school during their two-year MBA experience. But it's also a reflection of a world-class fundraising operation that heavily involves alumni and makes giving something of a competition. "Tuck alums feel as strongly about the school as people do to their first-born children," says Dawna Clarke, director of admissions.

1770309616 发表于 2013-12-19 10:00:46
9. 杜克大学——福库商学院
• 得分:92.8
• GMAT平均分:694
• 录取率:26%
• 2013年平均基本工资:110,000美元

9.  Duke - Fuqua
• Index: 92.8
• Average GMAT: 694
• Acceptance rate: 26%
• 2013 median base salary: $110,000
Duke can lay claim to providing the MBA education for one of the most famous executives in the world: Apple CEO Tim Cook, the late Steve Jobs' handpicked successor. No school could get a better living advertisement for itself.
In recent years, the school has had great success at matching its MBA graduates with world-class companies seeking the best and brightest. The breadth and diversity of recruiters coming to Fuqua is a testament to the quality of its students and what the school does with them. That helps explain how Fuqua moved up one spot on this year's ranking.


10. 加州大学伯克利分校——哈斯商学院
• 得分:92.0
• GMAT平均分:714
• 录取率:13.9%(估算)
• 2013年平均基本工资:115,000美元
曾有内部人士开玩笑说,加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)的哈斯商学院(Haas School)是嬉皮士们的商学院。这虽然是一句戏言,却用一种戏谑的方式表明,哈斯商学院是最难进的商学院之一。如果你对科技、创业和创新感兴趣,哈斯商学院是攻读MBA最优秀的商学院之一。

10.  UC Berkeley - Haas
• Index: 92.0
• Average GMAT: 714
• Acceptance rate: 13.9% (estimate)
• 2013 median base salary: $115,000
The insiders joke that Berkeley's Haas School is the business school for hippies. That's never been the case, but it's a quaint way to refer to one of the hardest schools in the world to get into. If you're interested in tech, entrepreneurship, and innovation, Haas is one of the best schools in the world to get an MBA.
The highly selective program, which enrolls a small class of 240 full-time MBAs each fall, is anchored by 12 required courses that promote a general management perspective and provide a framework for the more specific courses that follow. The first year of the program is divided into four quarters. The core curriculum is rooted in business fundamentals, including marketing, finance, and accounting.
Two years ago, the school made significant curriculum changes to focus more on leadership. In the overhaul, a pair of existing core courses, Leading People and Leadership Communications, had been restructured to offer additional leadership skills, such as the ability to influence others. And a new course called "Problem Finding, Problem Solving" was added to the core to address what the school considers "underlying skill sets that are missing in a typical MBA education."
Poets&Quants' composite ranking combines the five most influential business school rankings in the world: Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Economist, The Financial Times, Forbes, and U.S. News & World Report. Each ranking is weighted to account for their authority and credibility. BusinessWeek, Forbes, and U.S. News lists are given a weight of 25% each, while the FT is given a 15% weight, and The Economist is given a 10% weight.

bubifengyun 发表于 2013-12-21 14:33:57
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