
发布时间:2013-12-1 11:04    发布者:1770309616
关键词: 闪辞
Suggestions for those "quit soon"“闪辞”那些事儿
Despite her parents’ objection, Huang Tianming quit her job at a Beijing-based exhibition company. The 23-year-old didn’t even say goodbye to her colleagues because she was there for less than two weeks. After a difficult time job-hunting, quitting a job seemed a lot easier.

There are many graduates just like Huang who struggle to find a job, yet quit soon after starting one. They may have their reasons, but professionals advise them to think more carefully about their career.

‘No’ to computers

Having graduated from an overseas university, Huang entered the job market feeling confident. “I have a master’s degree in communication studies, so I thought I could get a decent job at any media company, ” she says. But the reality was harsh. After two months of job-hunting, a private exhibition company offered her a job. With no other options, she accepted.

Contrary to Huang’s expectations, her job was neither related to exhibitions nor communication. Instead, she sat in front of a computer all day long, checking and managing files.

“After my first day at work, my eyesight was blurry, ” she says. On the following days, she was assigned to do more paperwork, which was boring and tiring for Huang.

“I quit this job soon because the paperwork and computer were driving me crazy. I don’t know what I want to do, but I hope next time I can find a job that doesn’t involve computers, ” Huang says.

Jumping from one job to the next

Compared with Huang, who has no idea what to do with her career, Zhang Xiaowan is a more determined graduate. The 24-year-old graduate from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication decided to do design work from the very beginning. But her career path wasn’t smooth either –she changed jobs four times in one year.

Her first job was as a page designer at a fashion magazine. The work demanded a lot of professional techniques and as Zhang was a rookie, she couldn’t handle the stress. Two months later, she quit. Her second job was with a health magazine. She left after three months as she felt like no one would read the magazine. It was a frustrating feeling.

Zhang got her third job at an instrument shop. At first, she thought the position was perfect for her. But when the company assigned a new boss to her, she decided to quit. “My new boss made things difficult for me. He gave me work that I could never finish, ” she says.

Now, Zhang works as a page designer at an educational newspaper. She’s not sure how long this job will last.

Plan your career, but adapt to any requirements on the way.

Huang and Zhang’s experiences aren’t unusual. According to data released by education consulting firm MyCOS, 33 percent of graduates in 2012 quit their job in the first half-year.

Their reasons vary, but Jia Dongmei, HR supervisor at BTG Hotels Group believes that the main reason for quitting jobs early is a lack of career planning.

“Most students have the idea of finding a decent and promising job. They expect to become a white collar, ” says Jia. “But being a white collar isn’t a job. They need to have a clear idea of what job they want to do and in which industry.”

Li Ling, a senior consultant at the China International Talent Development Center, holds the same view.

She believes that apart from making career plans, graduates should be professional. “Doing a job is like playing a role. Graduates must fit their role –adapt themselves to the requirements of the job - before they are valuable to the company, ” she says.

  • educational[,edju:'keiʃənəl]video
    adj. 教育的;有教育意义的
  • decent['di:sənt]video
    adj. 正派的;得体的;相当好的
  • assign[ə'sain]video
    vt. 分配;指派;[计][数] 赋值vi. 将财产过户(尤指过户给债权人)
  • supervisor['sju:pəvaizə]video
    n. 监督人,[管理] 管理人;检查员
  • consultant[kən'sʌltənt]video
    n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生
  • harsh[hɑ:ʃ]video
    adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的
  • rookie['ruki]video
    n. 新手

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