
发布时间:2013-10-13 05:45    发布者:1770309616
关键词: 职场
How Gen Y Is Changing Office Culture In ChinaY世代如何改变中国职场文化?
Two years into her first job as a management trainee with a property development company, 26-year-old Hazel Wang decided to quit despite not having another job lined up.
26岁的Hazel Wang第一份工作是在一家地产开发公司担任管理培训生。工作两年后,她决定辞去这份工作,尽管她还没有找到下一份工作。

'It was a huge decision for me, ' said the former Shanghai resident. 'But I felt the old job could not help me achieve my self-actualization goals.'

Ms. Wang, who has since found a new job with a software company in Beijing, is happy with the outcome. 'Now I can learn more things that are interesting. The new company offers a big platform for me to develop, ' she said.

Like Ms. Wang, a growing number of young Chinese workers are asserting themselves more and demanding their voices be heard in the workplace.

That's according to Ning Lu, China business director for U.S.-based consulting firm InclusionINC, who says so-called members of Generation Y-which it defines as those born in the period 1980-97-will vote with their feet and quit their jobs if they don't get what they want.

About 366 million Chinese-or around 40% of the population of working age 15 years to 59 years-fall into that generation, the consulting firm estimates.

A report issued earlier this year by human-resources consultancy Aon Hewitt found that members of Gen Y, which the findings of this survey describe as people born in the 1980s, became the main age component in China's talent market in 2012.
今年早些时候人力资源咨询公司怡安翰威特(Aon Hewitt)发布的一份报告发现,Y世代在2012年成为中国劳动力市场的主力军。这份调查报告将Y世代定义为上世纪80年代出生的人。

As this younger generation becomes a bigger part of the workforce, many Chinese companies-including both state-owned and independent firms-are overhauling human-resource management to attract and keep this vital demographic.

Raised in a time of great social and economic change in China and lavished with great attention from doting parents as a result of China's one-child policy, Gen Ys emerged as well-educated, highly opinionated members of the workforce. But they are also highly fickle.

Aon Hewitt estimated average staff turnover in China last year at just under 20%, and Ms. Lu said the rate for Gen Y could be as much as 10% higher.

Gen Ys will jump jobs in search of better learning and career-development opportunities in more creative environments. A 2011 study of the generation by IBM found that of employees who remained with the same company for one to five years, more than 80% cited career development as quite important. They also prize work-life balance and will run for the door if work pressure gets too much for them to handle.
Y世代会因为想要在更有创造力的环境中寻找更好的学习和职业发展机会而跳槽。国际商业机器公司(IBM) 2011年有关Y世代的研究报告发现,在同一家公司工作了一至五年的员工中,超过80%的人说职业发展是他们最看重的。他们还重视工作与生活的平衡,如果工作压力过大使他们难以承受,他们就会选择辞职。

'If you want to have post-80s employees, you have to make the workplace more inclusive and more creative, ' Ms. Lu said. 'Gen Ys don't just want to execute orders, they want to participate in decision making.'

'They question authority and hate to be told what to do, ' Ms. Lu added.

Chinese tech giants Alibaba and Baidu have taken significant steps to change their human-resources policies, including sharply increasing starting salaries and creating more flexible working environments, in an attempt to include younger workers' needs to attract them to join and encourage them to stay longer with the company, she said.

Meanwhile, some state-owned companies are working to close their talent gap versus non-state players, Ms. Lu added.

Bank-card company China UnionPay has revamped its employee training platform to make it more interactive and social-media-based. Training modules can be accessed from electronic mobile devices and are designed to be more fun for employees.
银行卡公司中国银联(China UnionPay)已经更新了其员工培训平台,提升交互性,密切与社交媒体的关系。培训模块可以通过电子移动设备登录,从设计上让员工感到更有趣。

'Such training plus social network discussions can grab tech-savvy Gen Y's interest and yield better training results, ' said Ms. Lu.

'Inclusiveness is a concept that's still being established here, ' said Ms. Lu. 'It might take a few years but eventually China will be in line' with other countries such as the United States, she said.

Companies that take the initiative now to create more workplaces that take into account this generation's characteristics will get a competitive edge in the talent war and see better business results in the future, Ms. Lu said.

The Chinese government might also wish to take note of the rising power of the Gen Ys.

'These younger people cherish more freedom of speech and are increasingly adopting concepts from democracy, ' Ms. Lu said. 'It's important for the government to grasp how they think and understand their expectations if it wants to build this country into a better place.'

  • staff [stɑ:f, stæf]video
    n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑adj. 职员的;行政工作的vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员vi. 雇用工作人员
  • turnover ['tə:n,əuvə]video
    n. 翻覆;[贸易] 营业额;流通量;半圆卷饼;失误;adj. 翻过来的;可翻转的
  • democracy [di'mɔkrəsi]video
    n. 民主,民主主义;民主政治
  • initiative [i'niʃiətiv, -ʃətiv]video
    n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的
  • cite [sait]video
    vt. 引用;传讯;想起;表彰
  • bigger [bigə]video
    adj. 更大的(big的比较级)
  • yield [ji:ld]video
    vt. 屈服;出产;放弃vi. 屈服,投降n. 产量;收益
  • consultancy [kən'sʌltənsi]video
    n. 咨询公司;顾问工作
  • versus ['və:səs]video
    prep. 对;与...相对;对抗
  • estimate ['estimeit]video
    vi. 估计,估价n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价

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