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好职位又来啦~上海需要一位“Webkit / OpenGL Expert (2936)

发表于 2013-7-5 16:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【猎头职位:上海需要一位“Webkit / OpenGL Expert (2936)”】职位关键词:webkit, OpenGL ES,OpenCL, HTML5,CSS3,JavaScript 联系Effie Huang,Email:effie-huang@kthr.com,MSN:euphemia1031@hotmail.com,Skype:effiehuang,微信也可查询职位啦!打开手机微信,搜号码“KTHR_COM”或查找微信公众帐号“KT人才”或扫描以上二维码即可添加,欢迎大家关注!


1 Maintaining the existing code base: fixing bugs and adding new features.
2 Investigating and profiling existing HTML5 technologies.
3 Working with partners and customers to help them solve their problems.
4 Reviewing other people's code.
5 Writing and maintaining documentation.


1 A good degree in a scientific discipline preferably Computer Science.
2 Able to demonstrate deep understanding and expertise in WebKit or Gecko, other layout engines would also be of interest.
3 Experience with C, C++ and Java across a range of platforms (at least two of Linux, Mac OS X and Windows) and an understanding of how to write portable software.
4 Experience with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.
5 Comprehensive knowledge of Khronos standards such as OpenGL ES and OpenCL.
6 Strong testing skills and the knowledge of at least one xUnit framework.
7 Experience with version control systems and issue tracking (git and Jira).
8 Knowledge of different browsers and their underlying layout engines.
9 Excellent spoken and written English skills.

发表于 2013-8-13 11:15:07 | 显示全部楼层
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