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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the attending physician was replaced by onco

已有 3620 次阅读2015-1-20 15:58

According to Japan's "Post Weekly" reported on the 18th, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who suffers from ulcerative colitis, after the House of Representatives election, suddenly specializes in the treatment of colitis doctor Hibi Clement replaced oncologist Takaishi officer were let outsiders suspect that it was Abe colitis condition deteriorated into colorectal cancer.

In fact, more than 20 years old, Abe was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, has been more than 30 years of history. In 2007, Abe is due to colitis abruptly announced his resignation. At that time, his doctor Hibi Clement explained his condition, "said Abe body is very weak, a month before the start of stomach pain, loss of appetite, weight lost five kilograms, a few weeks ago and suffering from acute viral enteritis, so his body more frail, he did not sleep well, and even require a prescription sleeping pill. "At that time, Japanese politicians had heard hasty resignation of Abe cancer rumors.

2012, Abe as prime minister again, rumors of his poor health has continued to spread. Japanese media have reported that there has been no reason for Abe moved into the prime minister's official residence, because he has a large family therapy equipment purchased from the United States, to move into the residence, the instrument is bound to move past together, equal to admit illness. There are media exposed, Abe help out the site selection, the staff must first determine the location of the way to the toilet, because the Prime Minister to use the toilet more frequent. And even the media exposed, Abe has also purchased "holy water" with the political capital treatment.

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