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The Basic Device Structure

已有 1383 次阅读2011-4-10 08:01

The Basic Device Structure
struct device {
        struct list_head g_list;
        struct list_head node;
        struct list_head bus_list;
        struct list_head driver_list;
        struct list_head intf_list;
        struct list_head children;
        struct device   * parent;
        char    name[DEVICE_NAME_SIZE];
        char    bus_id[BUS_ID_SIZE];
        spinlock_t      lock;
        atomic_t        refcount;
        struct bus_type * bus;
        struct driver_dir_entry dir;
 u32  class_num;
        struct device_driver *driver;
        void            *driver_data;
        void            *platform_data;
        u32             current_state;
        unsigned char *saved_state;
        void    (*release)(struct device * dev);
g_list: Node in the global device list.
node: Node in device's parent's children list.
bus_list: Node in device's bus's devices list.
driver_list:   Node in device's driver's devices list.
intf_list:     List of intf_data. There is one structure allocated for
        each interface that the device supports.
children:      List of child devices.
parent:        *** FIXME ***
name:        ASCII description of device.
        Example: " 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]"
bus_id:        ASCII representation of device's bus position. This
        field should be a name unique across all devices on the
        bus type the device belongs to.
        Example: PCI bus_ids are in the form of
        <bus number>:<slot number>.<function number>
        This name is unique across all PCI devices in the system.
lock:        Spinlock for the device.
refcount:      Reference count on the device.
bus:        Pointer to struct bus_type that device belongs to.
dir:        Device's sysfs directory.
class_num:     Class-enumerated value of the device.
driver:        Pointer to struct device_driver that controls the device.
driver_data:   Driver-specific data.
platform_data: Platform data specific to the device.
current_state: Current power state of the device.
saved_state:   Pointer to saved state of the device. This is usable by
        the device driver controlling the device.
release:       Callback to free the device after all references have
        gone away. This should be set by the allocator of the
        device (i.e. the bus driver that discovered the device).

Programming Interface
The bus driver that discovers the device uses this to register the
device with the core:
int device_register(struct device * dev);
The bus should initialize the following fields:
    - parent
    - name
    - bus_id
    - bus
A device is removed from the core when its reference count goes to
0. The reference count can be adjusted using:
struct device * get_device(struct device * dev);
void put_device(struct device * dev);
get_device() will return a pointer to the struct device passed to it
if the reference is not already 0 (if it's in the process of being
removed already).
A driver can access the lock in the device structure using:
void lock_device(struct device * dev);
void unlock_device(struct device * dev);

struct device_attribute {
        struct attribute        attr;
        ssize_t (*show)(struct device * dev, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off);
        ssize_t (*store)(struct device * dev, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t off);
Attributes of devices can be exported via drivers using a simple
procfs-like interface.
Please see Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.txt for more information
on how sysfs works.
Attributes are declared using a macro called DEVICE_ATTR:
#define DEVICE_ATTR(name,mode,show,store)
This declares a structure of type struct device_attribute named
'dev_attr_power'. This can then be added and removed to the device's
directory using:
int device_create_file(struct device *device, struct device_attribute * entry);
void device_remove_file(struct device * dev, struct device_attribute * attr);
The file name will be 'power' with a mode of 0644 (-rw-r--r--).






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