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ads Introductory

已有 1001 次阅读2011-4-10 07:24



ADS 1.2 Introductory Workbook



This workbook provides the student with a basic introduction to the tools provided with the ARM Developer Suite version 1.2 (ADS).  This will include the use of command line and GUI tools, to build and debug projects.


The workbook is split into two practical sessions:


Session 1 – Introduction to the ARM command line tools.

Session 2 – Developing projects using CodeWarrior and AXD.


The student should be familiar with Microsoft DOS/Windows, and have a basic knowledge of the C programming language.  The ARM Developer Suite (version 1.2) should be available.


Note:     Explanation of File Extensions:


.c       C source file.

.h       C header file.

.o       object file.

.s       ARM or Thumb assembly language source file.

.mcp  ARM Project file, as used by the CodeWarrior IDE.

.axf  ARM Executable file, as produced by armlink.

.txt ASCII text file.

Additional information

This workbook is not designed to provide detailed documentation of ADS, as full on-line documentation is available.  To access the on-line documentation:


From the Start menu select Programs ® ARM Developer Suite       v1.2 ® Online Books.


This opens a new window split into two panels.  The left panel displays a ‘Table of Contents’ for the current level of documentation.  The right panel shows the titles available within the collection selected in the left panel.  Double click on any book topic to view more information. To search for a specific topic enter a search string in the Find field and press carriage return. This will then display the number of entries that each book contains. Select the book (by double clicking on the book name) and a new window will open with the left hand column now displaying the chapters and listing the number of entries per chapter.  Scroll through each chapter to view each specific result found.


Further help can be accessed from the on-line documentation by pressing F1 when running CodeWarrior or AXD, from the help menu, or by using the -help switch for a command line tool.  The documentation is also available in PDF format in the PDF directory located within the ADS installation directory.
Icon conventions


Various icons are used throughout the workbook to clarify the purpose of text associated with them.  Icons either signify the presence of information on a particular topic, or the requirement for user interaction.


The following icons all indicate that user interaction is required:


              Indicates that command line input is required.


              Indicates other keyboard or mouse input is required.


                        Button icon.  This indicates that a corresponding button within the current application can be used to perform the operation currently being discussed.


              Application icon.  Suggests an application to be used to perform a                 given operation.  This example shows ‘Microsoft Notepad’.


              To use Notepad from the command line type Notepad <filename>.







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