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Quick Guide for AR1021X porting

已有 771 次阅读2021-4-12 14:30 |个人分类:WiFi模块| AR1021X

1 What’s included in package

- Ath6kl_usb driver in <package>/drivers/ath6kl

Support AR9374.


- Cfg80211 in <package>/drivers/cfg80211

Provide API to control ath6kl_usb.


- Compat in <package>/drivers/comapt

Solve compatible issues on different versions of kernels.


- Other utilities.

1. Wpa_supplicant (version 0.8)

2. Wpa_cli

3. Iw-3.0

4. libnl-1

5. tx99

6. athtst


2 How to build on x86

2.1 Untar package

# untar zxvf ATH6KL-LSDK-WLAN-AIO-3.2.1.x.tgz


2.2 Change to build directory

# cd build


2.3 Modify Makefile.x86

Modify build/scripts/x86-combo/Makefile.x86-combo as bellow

2.4 Apply driver patches

# make drivers_patch BOARD_TYPE=x86-combo


2.5 Convert firmware from .bin to .h

# make drivers_firmware_transfer BOARD_TYPE=x86-combo


2.6 Build driver and utilities

# make BOARD_TYPE=x86-combo


2.7 iw Package

 You can get the iw package in ATH6KL LSDK, which path is <LSDK>\apps\iw-3.0.

The iw is another application which use netlink socket interface. This application mainly uses to

debug, dump driver/hardware information or setup special driver function, like WoW.


3 How to port to other platform

3.1 Clone a set for other platform

# cp build/scripts/x86 build/scripts/<other platform>

# mv build/scripts/x86/config.x86 build/scripts/x86/<other platform>/config.<other platform>

# mv build/scripts/x86/Makefile.x86 build/scripts/x86/<other platform>/Makefile.<other platform>


3.2 Modify toolchain and kernel path in config file

Edit build/scripts/<other platform>/config.<other platform>, and assign toolchain and kernel path in

environmental variables bellow.





3.3 Follow the same steps as “2. How to build on x86” to build the driver and

utilities on other platform


3.4 Please also refer to “ath6kl_support_guide.doc” for troubleshooting and







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